gold bars found in new mexico

But when the Army; Air Force; the White House; Congressmen; New Mexico's Governor and F. Lee Bailey and dozens of other lawyers get into a single treasure saga, only confusion and rumors remain cheap. Large movements of bullion from the peak went on for nearly a decade, with the largest single removal of gold occurring in 1976, according to Bill Shriver. I've heard that story at least 500 times. Did they even exist at all? The actual movement of the gold in this last, largest shipment, Shriver said, was done by [U.S.] military aircraft. Independent of Shriver, another source traced a number of large removals from Victorio Peak. Victorio Peak, a craggy outcropping of rock barely 500 feet tall, lies in the center of a desert lake known as the Hembrillo Basin in New Mexico. At one end of the chamber, the shaft continued downward. The gold, Porters friend stated breathlessly, ran in a tremendous stack along one side of the cavern stretching for approximately 200 yards. Ova convinced Doc to return to the big cave and bring one of the heavy bars back up. He remained steadfast in his belief that the treasure remained, according to family members. Lyndon Johnsons name loomed large in the information that Freedom uncovered, with various sources claiming that the president was instrumental in the planning and execution of the removal of the gold. Claimants charge the Army purposely boobytrapped the area with the shells, yet almost weekly a few fevered treasure hunters sneak through helicopter and horsemounted Army patrols to search. The reports of the massive treasure would consume his marriage and eventually his life, and mysteries around the treasure persist to this day (via Legends of America). He was barely able to lift one, much less think of carrying it back to the surface. It would also explain the presence of the Wells Fargo bags, packsaddles, letters, and other artifacts dating to Victorios time. Placer gold collected from multiple districts in New Mexico, coupled with a broad database of previously analyzed placer gold samples indicate correlations between chemical signatures (especially gold, silver, and copper) and type of deposits (i.e., Au-rich copper porphyry deposits, Au porphyry deposits, and epithermal deposits). They also were given and passed lie detector tests. They insisted they were photographed, finger printed, harassed and not al lowed to go near the search area. Under the direction of Mr. Delonas, the searchers have been analyzing their findings in a temporary office at Las Cruces, about 25 miles south of Victoria Peak. Returning through the main cavern, he noticed an immense stack of metal bars off to one side. Representative Harold Runnels, a Democrat whose district includes the White Sands range, has proposed a joint Federalstate search for the treasure. Mr. Noss's ex-wife was barred from searching in the 1950's, when the Army extended the White Sands borders to include Victorio Peak. Leon Trabuco brought Mexico's gold to the US He buried 16 tons of gold bars in New Mexico CASE DETAILS Farmington, New Mexico, 1933. Now, instead of having thousands of gold bars to draw from, Noss had only a few hundred that he had hidden in the desert. The Victorio Peak treasure (also seen in print as the Treasure of Victorio Peak or Treasure of San Andres) describes a cache of gold reportedly found inside Victorio Peak in 1937 in southern New Mexico . He also asserts that military security officers censored out of his report all references to military searches for the treasure. One man, a Mr. John Dean, the former lawyer for President Richard M. Nixon, mentioned that Attorney General John Mitchell had been asked to pull strings to allow some searchers to look for the gold. Article content. This Nevada Gold Mine Produces Amazing Crystalline Gold Nuggets! Theories spread over how 16,000 gold bars came to be stashed away in a random cave in New Mexico. Many hieroglyphs have been found in New Mexico near his home, according to treasure hunters from the area. It all started in 1937, when Mr. Noss, who practiced as a foot doctor though it was never clear if he had a medical license, returned from a hunting trip at New Mexico's Victorio Peak with startling news: he had glimpsed a hidden trove of riches, 16,000 gold bars. Berlett viewed this as substantiation for the theory that Spaniards had been responsible for stashing the gold. To preserve these articles as they originally appeared, The Times does not alter, edit or update them. A new scientific analysis of a large gold bar found decades ago in downtown Mexico City has confirmed it was part of the plunder Spanish conquistadors abandoned as they beat a temporary. The affidavit states: I, Thayer Snipes, first being duly sworn, on my oath state: That in the latter part of 1972, I had stopped by the Airport Chevron Station at the corner of Airway Blvd. Within just a few days, Doc and Babe were back at the site with ropes and flashlights. Doc returned with a gold bar, presented it to his wife, Babe, and the couple soon dedicated their lives to exploring Victorio Peak, living in a tent at the base of the mountain in search of treasure. Parts of White Sands are sometimes leased by private corporations and foreign governments for experiments. At least one close relative was convinced that Atkins death was not accidental and that it was directly related to his getting too close to the true story of Victorio Peak. When Maxmillian heard of the plot to assassinate him, he moved his gold and treasures out of Mexico. In the summer of 1961, upon the advice of the Director of the Mint, Major General John Shinkle of White Sands allowed Captain Fiege, Captain Orby Swanner, Major Kelly, and Colonel Gorman to work the claim. The initial soundings appear to indicate a cavern precisely where Mr. Noss described. Deferring to Docs belief that the gold would all be taken by the government should his find become too broadly known, the work force was confined to the immediate family and a couple of handfuls of trusted associates. There is evidence to indicate that many gold bars were removed from Victorio Peak a short time after Lynn Porter brought the bar to the Fort Bliss provost marshals office. In 1955, the missile range was expanded and, the Army closed Victoria Peak to outsiders. That I had known E.M. Guthrie for about three years prior to this meeting and knew him to be the husband of Letha Guthrie, stepdaughter of Milton Ernest Doc Noss. However, Noss demanded to see the money before revealing the new hiding place. Chester R. Johnson Jr., a museum archeologist at the time who wrote the official report of the treasure's history, says the 1963 search was inconclusive because, for example, seismic geophones do not work well near the surface. But Doc Noss cared little about the historical value of the treasures inside Victorio Peak, mostly ignoring the pouches, packs, and artifacts. In a four-page confidential report entitled Field Examination of Noss Mining Claims, Hembrillo District, Herkenhoff recorded a description: Dr. On the night of September 1, 1968, Porter drove to the peak with a friend and a civilian security guard from White Sands Missile Range named Clarence McDonald. The family declines to discuss the incident. A small town was built near the place The Army says the gold was never found. Additionally, the actual land where Victorio Peak is located was not owned by the State of New Mexico but rather by a man named Roy Henderson, who had leased it to the Army. By this time, Babes story had spread across the nation, profiled in several magazines and newspapers. Though caught trespassing and escorted from the area, the men reported observing several men in Army fatigues upon the peak. The next day, March 5, 1949, Ryan arrived in the area, insisting that they discuss the problem of what happened to the gold. Lucky Gold Miners hit it Big in Downieville. Mr. Bailey later dropped the matter. Neither the Denver Mint nor the Federal records center in Denver, which has copies of gold receints for that period, could find the Noss receipt, spokesmen there said. That I walked over to E.M. Guthrie on this occasion in 1972, greeted him, and invited him out to dinner with myself and Frank Foss. He was overcome with joy that they might be gold. Now, scientists confirm it was part of a plunder by Spanish conquistador Hernn. However, the business often passes the tax onto the consumer by adding it to the selling price. This was one of Apache Chief Victorios hideouts and was the site of a battle in 1880 between Victorios warriors and the U.S. Army Ninth Cavalry Buffalo Soldiers.. After discovering the treasure, Doc and Babe spent every free moment exploring the tunnels inside the mountain, living in a tent at the base of the peak. She called her lawyer, Philip Koury, of Kansas City, who phoned General Shinkle. The higher gold values occur near the base of alluvial gravel deposits where the gold is trapped by natural processes such as riffles in the river bottom, fractures within the bedrock, along bedding or foliation planes, and/or structures that are transverse to the river flow. Now there were two military commands involved. In November 1937, Doc, Babe, and four others left on a deer hunt into the Hembrillo Basin. In the Fall of 1939, Doc wanted to enlarge the passageway into Victorio Peak so that the treasures could be more easily removed. A four-pound gold bar found on a building site in downtown Mexico City last month is believed to be part of the treasure seized from the Aztec Emperor Montezuma II by the Spanish. After telling her what he had seen and shown her the loot, she insisted he go back into the mine for one of the iron bars. Letha Guthrie, Ovas eldest daughter from a previous marriage, described the next few years as a very happy time for the Noss family, one of simple, hard work with a bright, limitless future. The whole truth will probably never be known, but there is no doubt that a treasure existed. Victorio used the entire Hembrillo Basin as his stronghold, refusing to live on the San Carlos Reservation in Arizona, where the government wanted to banish him. Searching with 15 people at a time to try to determine the size of the cave, the group in a few weeks plans to start drilling 6-inch holes several hundred feet deep into the areas where the soundings show the cave is. Then in 1981, the construction crew found the gold bar, and today scientists have confirmed it was part of the Aztec treasures that Cortes hoped to steal away from Mexico for Spain. TimesMachine is an exclusive benefit for home delivery and digital subscribers. See the article in its original context from. However, the Army placed a two-week time limit on the group, and they had hardly started before they were forced to leave, without finding anything. However, it was a slow process, and in 1955, the White Sands Missile Range unexpectedly expanded their operations to encompass the Hembrillo Basin. The flamboyant lawyer F. Lee Bailey once said he represented 50 unnamed clients. Porter and his friends were amused at his story and McDonald, to prove that what he was saying was true, took the two other hunters on a moonlit drive to Victorio Peak. The cast of characters ranges from John W. Dean 3d to Geronimo and the vocabulary is marked by double as a prefixas in doublecross, doubletalk and doubledealing. In December 1961, General Shinkle shut down the operation and excluded anyone from entering the base who was not directly engaged in the missile research activities. American and foreign car makers have rented land at the installation to test new air bags. Another woman, now Mrs. Violet Yancy of Fort Worth, says she married Noss in 1947, that she is his legal widow, and that he gave her 76 per cent interest in the treasure. Doc filled his pockets with gold coins, grabbed a couple of jeweled swords, and laboriously returned to Babe waiting anxiously at the surface. Mr. Mitchell is said to have forwarded the matter to the White House. Patterson, Don Breech, Edgar F. Foreman, Leo D. OConnell, Eppie Montoya and B.D. Becoming desperate for cash, Doc and a man named Joseph Andregg transported gold bars, coins, jewels, and artifacts into Arizona, selling them on the black market. Then, in 1942 or 1943, she isn't sure, he tried to blast the tunnel bigger in order to haul up more gold bars at one time. Six men who worked with Doc in removing the gold C.D. Recreational mining continues intermittently in the White Oaks, Pittsburg, Hillsboro, Orogrande and Jicarilla districts to the present day. On August 5, Fiege and his party returned to Victorio Peak, accompanied by the commander of the Missile Range, a secret service agent, and 14 military police. Led by U.S. Air Force Captain Leonard V. Fiege, the four had done extensive research on Victorio Peak, poring over old documents and records, and even traveling south into Mexico to check stories there regarding a man who has often been linked with the origin of the gold, Padre Philip La Rue. As far as I'm concerned, I've got more gold in my upper bridge than is in those mountains., The center of interest is Victoria Peak, a 1,500foot hill in the San Andres Mountains on missile range land about 25 miles northeast of Las Cruces. Dozens of people claim a piece of the actionthat is, gold bars and treasure said to be hidden on the missile range, and worth from a few million dollars to $1.5billion. Things got complicated in 1937, when Milton E. Noss, a selfasserted chiropodist with a string of arrests for drunk enness, theft and practicing medicine without a license, said he had found the treasure. A jury ruled that Mr. Ryan had acted in self-defense. A priest named LaRue at Durango in northern Mexico was looking after the soldier who told the priest . The gold was then shipped to Switzerland and sold in a new form in Zurich. But in August, the Army turned him down, saying he deserves no more favored treatment than some 300 others who ask each year for permission to enter the missile range to search. After he got back to the surface, Doc told Ova what he had seen, and almost as an afterthought mentioned the long row of metal bars. some of the gold to Mexico, in light planes. Mrs. Noss and Mrs. Guthrie, meanwhile, say that they had heard about the 1963 search and rushed to the base, arriving the day before it ended. The 1.93-kilogram bar was found . [7], Theories abound on the origins of the alleged treasure, including that it was pilfered from Mexico during the reign of the Austrian puppet Emperor Maximilian, or through collusion between Pancho Villa and Germany prior to World War I.[8]. Two local ranch workers stumbled upon the search and notified Mrs. Noss. There were 110 gold bars moved that night, according to an affidavit obtained by this writer and sworn to by Jolley. Doc mentioned nothing of his find to the group, choosing instead to return to the site a couple of days later with Ova. Before leaving, both men had observed an old wooden cross on one of the walls. Another concerns renegades who robbed the Monterey Mint in 1743 and were in turn attacked by Apaches. A retired U.S. Army officer said that while on duty at the provost marshals office on White Sands Missile Range during the period of LBJs presidency, he was visited by four men in a late model Cadillac Fleetwood Brougham who sought permission to drive to Victorio Peak. Ova Noss, her two sons, Harold and Marvin, and her two daughters, Letha and Dorothy, helped Doc in the strenuous task of removing the bars, one at a time, from the depths of the peak. The men believed that Porters friend was in a good position to help arrange an official government expedition to claim the gold. Native gold and electrum occurs with quartz, magnetite, ilmenite, amphiboles, pyroxenes, pyrite, zircon, garnet, rutile, and a variety of other heavy minerals. Finally, others believe that the treasures were hidden by Chief Victorio, for whom the peak is named. Now, scientists confirm it was part of a plunder by Spanish conquistador Hernn. Shriver also said that he had copies of other presidential messages, several initialed by LBJ, dealing with the clandestine, illegal removal of the gold. ",, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 15 January 2023, at 04:22. Speaking to a Noss family member, he stated that he had been the Chief of Security in 1961 and was sent to inspect the report made by Airman Berlett and Captain Fiege. Congress had just passed an act outlawing the private ownership of gold, meaning he had no buyers for his supposed stash (via Unsolved). According to this source, a B-24 was used to transport at least seven loads of the peaks gold, with up to 20 tons of gold moving in each load. At the same time, he concentrated on the gold coins and bars. However, the expert won the argument. Floyd and his friend Pat were getting ready to look for treasure in an area where Pat found found three old metal bars in a cave on the old Spanish trail in New Mexico. Some believe that Doc Noss found the Casa del Cueva de Oro, Spanish for the House of the Golden Cave. The saga faded back into obscurity until the Watergate hearings, when John Dean, the dismissed White House counsel, testified before the Ervin Committee that F. Lee Bailey had approached John N. Mitchell, then Attorney General, for help in retrieving 292 bars containing 60 per cent gold and 40 per cent copper from the White Sands range. One story involves a Jesuit missionary named Padre LaRue whose band of 40 gold mining families was massacred in a punitive raid by Spanish soldiers in the early eighteenhundreds. Later, some researchers would conclude that the shaft was the same as the Lost Padre Mine used by Padre LaRue in the late 1700s, then later used again by Chief Victorio to store his stolen goods. ): GSA Annual Meeting in Denver, Colorado, USA, Luterbach, T. and McLemore, V.T., 2016, Trace element analysis of placer gold samples: Society for Mining, Metallurgy, and Exploration, 2016 Annual meeting. CNN Almost four decades ago, a gold bar was found on land that used to be Aztec ruins in Mexico. Lampros, for example, described having his photograph taken with Colonel Willard E. Holt of Lordsburg, New Mexico; each held an end of a bar while it was being sawed in half. Gold bullion bars are struck continuously to meet the demand for gold, with the following refineries and mints representing some of the greatest refiners of gold bars: Credit Suisse PAMP Suisse Republic Metals Corporation Sunshine Minting Valcambi Suisse Buying Gold Bullion from JM Bullion A third, smaller stack, pyramidal in shape, stood about three feet high. Later, the wealth in the cave would be calculated to be worth more than two billion dollars. He supposedly told his wife: "We can make John D. Rockefeller look like a tramp. In the room were two large stacks of gold bars, each roughly six feet high, three feet wide and eight feet long. They were searching in the wrong place, Mrs. Noss said. The skeletons hands were bound behind its back apparently, the person had been deliberately left there to die. The military claim stemmed from a statement made by New Mexico officials on November 14, 1951, which withdrew prospecting, entry, location, and purchase under the mining laws, reserving the land for military use only. South Pass City - A Look into Wyoming's Past. The total price for such a happy. Lost Treasures, Recent Posts. Denied entry by the courts until legalities could determine the legal owner of the mine; Doc feared Ryan would back out of the deal. Yet, Doc trusted no one, not even his Babe, disappearing into the desert, hiding pieces of the treasure in places that he never revealed. The charges concerning LBJs involvement included the following: According to this same source, Victorio Peak was just like a private vault to certain high-ranking people. They would go in periodically and get what they wanted. If the treasure was real, Noss had poor timing. But the matter would not rest. The Army, which runs the missile range, required the searchers to put up $150,000 to cover the cost of environmental assessments, as well as increased security forces. The more productive ore zones typically occur as narrow pay streaks or layers of fine-grained, disseminated gold, locally on top of basement rock or clay or caliche lenses within gravel deposits. Nearly choking, the two men hastily marked their claim and made their exit. A source interviewed in Mexico stated that it was common knowledge in the towns of Jimenez and Camargo that Johnsons 110,000-acre ranch in Chihuahua served as a storage area for a very large amount of gold flown in by a four-engine, propeller-driven aircraft in the late 1960s. In 1981, a worker in Mexico City found a gold bar just north of Alameda Centralthe oldest public park in the Americasduring the construction of a bank. The. Doc was trying to obey the law but they grabbed our gold, Mrs. Noss said, He blew up. Though the gold bar was. The soldiers, Airman First Class Thomas Berlett and Captain Leonard V. Fiege said they had found approximately 100 gold bars weighing between 40 and 80 pounds each in a small cavern. Mr. Noss, a traveling doctor who was known for a hot temper and an appetite for liquor, claimed that the cache consisted of Spanish artifacts and Wells Fargo chests, along with the gold. The dispute was finally worked out when a federal court issued a compromise of sorts, which stated the Army would continue to use the lands surface, but no one would be allowed on the property without the Armys consent. After the death of Doc Noss, Ova and her family continued efforts to regain access to the big treasure room. But the legend of the hidden gold was fueled again during the Watergate hearings in 1973. The earliest reports of placer mining were in the 1600s along the northern Rio Grande. I was just a kid, about 13 or 14 years old, he told this writer. He also found some old letters, the most recent of which was dated 1880. On the night of March 4, 1949, I went with Doc Noss and dug up 20 bars of gold at a windmill in the desert east of Hatch, New Mexico, and reburied them in the basin where Victorio Peak is. Mr. Noss returned in the late 1940's with a new wife, and a business partner. The world's first atomic bomb was detonated here on July 16, 1945. Later, Fiege would take a lie detector test, which would allow Fiege back on the missile range. Treasure Net Forum He said I'll get F.D.R. On the walls were drawings, some painted and others chiseled, that appeared to have been made by Indians. A number of sources also independently named Major General John G. Shinkle, the commander of White Sands Missile Range from June 1960 to July 1962, as knowing about the movement of tons of gold from Victorio Peak. Maxmillian was assassinated in 1867. An affidavit dated October 28, 1961, was signed to this effect, also claiming to have seen a military jeep and a weapons carrier on the mountain. He also told his wife that there were enough gold and silver coins to load 60 to 80 mules.. Its occasional visitors included hunting parties, and Doc Noss and his wife, Ova, were on one such expedition in search of deer. They even brought in their own security guards, he added. By James P. Sterba Special to The New York Times. "We have always believed that the gold was still there," said Terry Delonas, the 43-year-old son of one of Mr. Noss's stepdaughters who is directing the search. Hiring a mining engineer S.E. Berlett and Fiege formed a corporation to protect what they had found and make a formal application to enter White Sands for a search and retrieval of the gold. Anyone can read what you share. Doc attempted illegally to sell his gold for nine years, but it wasnt easy finding buyers. (Reuters) A gold bar found in a Mexico City park in 1981 was part of the Aztec treasure looted by Hernan Cortes and the Spanish conquistadors 500 years ago, a new study says.For 39 years, its origins remained a mystery.INAH - National Institute of Anthropology and History/Handout via REUTERS Mexico's National Institute of Anthropology and History [6][5] By 1992, a grandson of Ova formed the Ova Noss Family Partnership to finance additional searching. Begrudgingly, he did so. The gold was supposedly removed from the cave and sent to Fort Knox. Description: Victorio Peak is surrounded by inhospitable environment near Hot Springs, New Mexico. During fluvial events, large volumes of sediment containing free gold are transported and deposited in relatively poorly-sorted alluvial and stream deposits. The peak, named after a 19th century Apache war chief, apparently served as a repository for immense quantities of gold mined centuries ago by Spaniards and Indians and smelted into tens of thousands of crudely formed bars. There are four major stories on the treasure's origin, said Mr. In November 1958, a team of four weekend gold seekers rediscovered the hoard. He bolted from the Mescalero reservation in 1879 and camped near Victoria Peak while plundering the countryside and raiding Wells Fargo stagecoaches. But in 1977, the Army agreed to allow some searchers with competing claims, including Mrs. Noss, to search the grounds. Where they the plunder of Spanish conquistadores who had conquered the Aztecs? Discovered by a . In 2019, evidence to support the theory that the gold never left Mexico was revealed when archaeologists confirmed that a gold bar found in 1981 was from Montezuma's treasure. Thayer Snipes of El Paso, Texas, swore to an affidavit regarding another death. And we were poor and I guess a little dumb. Montgomery, the two went into the mountain to blast out the shaft. The Lost Padre Gold Mine in New Mexico. The Legendary Treasure White Sands Missile Range, In 1937, the peak was miles from nowhere. The buying entity was a Middle Eastern principal, Shriver said. Instead, it has a "gross receipts tax." This is a tax levied on the business rather than the consumer, like in most states. Some were sold on the black market, some were stolen but others remained hidden during the next seven years when Doc and a bevy of partners attempted to dig back into the caverns, she asserted. In the meantime, Mrs. Noss said her spies, illegally visited the peak and found military men excavating it. Anyone can read what you share. That three or four weeks later Frank Foss told me that E.M. had called him and said he was in Central America. , some painted and others chiseled, that appeared to have forwarded the matter to the present day,. 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