which statement about older workers is true?

guarantee The personality dimensions of extroversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, emotional stability and openness to experience are referred to as _____. A. layoffs. The Americans with Disabilities Act requires organizations to provide a reasonable _____ for individuals with disabilities in the workplace. Describe the essential elements of a capitalist economy. \\\\ Older workers are more likely to resist change than younger workers. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. New perspectives to organizational issues Uncertainty avoidance Some questions and responses have been rephrased or condensed for clarity and ease of understanding for readers. It provides more flexible operations. e. All of these are correct, __________ refers to individual factors that cannot be seen directly, such as goals, values, personalities, decisionmaking While its true that high blood pressure can cause serious cardiovascular disease, the onset of such is likely to occur in people who have already retired. So far, weve discussed (and fact-checked) older worker stereotypes that most Americans believe in. (Use Exhibit 11A.6. a. __________ are generalized, fixed images of others. D. Preplanned. Older managers meet with younger subordinates to learn about new technology and electronic commerce in: This is an example of \end{array} A. discrimination by would-be employers who underestimate their skills. c. Organizational management c. Deep-level diversity B) Long-term employees are considered engaged. Learn how to write a CV that lands you jobs. Organizational functions that are typically outsourced include all of the following EXCEPT It has increased a sense of urgency related to decision making. a. One in five adults age 50-plus (21%) report that they have experienced age discrimination since turning 40 years old. a. decreased turnover. c. outsourcing. a. Token Which of the following statements about knowledge workers is NOT true? B. e. None of these are correct. B. When her boss conducts her performance appraisal, he focuses on this factor, rather than looking at her sales performance during the previous 11 months. d. are generalizations. d. Age b. What interdisciplinary field is dedicated to understanding and management of people at work? d. corporate responsibility. A They care about the quality of work they do. workforce Turns out, there is And the stereotype has nothing to do with reality. b. B. Which traits are elements of an individual's core self-evaluation? One thing is blatantly obvious, though: the younger you are, the more likely you are to feel older workers diminish you in one way or another. Which of the following is a fact about older workers? d. Greater homogeneity _____ represents all the ways people are unlike and alike - the differences and similarities in age, gender, race, religion, ethnicity, sexual orientation, capabilities, and socioeconomic background. d. Technology combines and transforms resources into outcomes. B. comparison quitters. The graphics and content found here are available for noncommercial reuse. Act of 1964. b. religion. Truth is, though, stereotyped perceptions of different generations have always existed in every area of life. -By filing discrimination charges on behalf of an individual if needed. Define depreciation (as well as amortization and depletion) considered a noncash charge. But how did it start? Which of the following statements about information technology is NOT true? d. Ethnocentrism Ethnicity pay, decision-making authority, and status. Older workers are staying in the workforce longer. B. partnership. d. Only financial consequences can result. d. Attitudinal diversity The _____ effect is the tendency to remember recent information better than earlier information. Age discrimination was defined as "treating an applicant or employee less favorably because of his or her age.". d. Workforce diversity C. The law is vague in terms of age discrimination after an employee has left his/her employer. e. Technology is causing a shift toward a service-based economy. Karen's friend was making a _____. Finally he hires one of the last people he interviewed. e. a hybrid organization, A business that transforms resources into an intangible output and creates time or place utility for its customers is He would have to make payments for $95$ months. In selecting a field of employment and an employer, all of the following guidelines should be followed EXCEPT: D. Never accept short-term trade-offs for long-term benefits. c. an information technology firm. Turnover and absenteeism a. the "like me" bias. This act mandates affirmative action to employ veterans of the Vietnam War era. Restrictions on Agreements Not to Sue 7. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 1944. Financial and legal consequences could result. c. Reprimanding and penalizing If you're considering something different for a later-in-life career, this information might give you some ideas. The dates, the demographic context, and the cultural identifiers may vary by country. You can find more information about how we use cookies on our Cookies Policy. _____ is the belief that one's native country, culture, language, abilities, and/or behavior are superior to those of another culture. Reality (2020 Study), https://doi.org/10.1080/01973530903435763, https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/214453/rrep682.pdf, https://hbr.org/2018/07/research-the-average-age-of-a-successful-startup-founder-is-45, https://www.ons.gov.uk/employmentandlabourmarket/peopleinwork/labourproductivity/articles/sicknessabsenceinthelabourmarket/2016, https://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/handle/2027.42/156038/0192_NPHA-ageism-report_FINAL-07132020.pdf?sequence=3&isAllowed=y, Pareto Principle & the 80/20 Rule (Updated for 2021), 150 Sales StatisticsProspecting, Calls, & More [2020 Update], Social Distancing or Distant Socializing? c. an information technology firm. -By investigating discrimination complaints. Career plans are too time consuming and amount to too much busy work. c. The marketing team has five members, but only Gary has a specific job title that he can put on his resume. called e. reciprocal mentoring. The Bible is an anthology - a compilation of texts of a variety of forms - originally written in Hebrew, Aramaic, and Koine Greek. stressor a. corporate governance. \text { Based on Cost } Young college graduates are earning less than they used to. Unwanted sexual attentions, including language, behavior, or the display of images is defined as __________ __________. c. become aware of d. Mental abilities A feature of older workers is that __________. Which statement about older workers is true? a. unchanging. e. ignore the current situation. Uncertainty avoidance refers to the extent to which, Masculinity is a dimension of culture that, Which of the following is a cultural dimension identified by Hofstede? A. c. It has provided more down time for employees. Knowledge workers require highly specialized training. d. perceived threat of loss. b. information technology time. Mismanaging diversity is likely to result in all of the following EXCEPT A. caucasion. a. Use our builder to create a resume in 5 minutes. Physical abilities The baby boom has been described variously as a "shockwave" and as "the pig . a. ethical United States during the next decade. Disparity A clearly written policy manual c. Only legal consequences can result. B. a satisfying job. Feeling happy after receiving a bonus check, Smiling at customers when they walk in the door d. Rewarding and praising engagement b. A. cognitive mechanics. b. See perfect CV examples that get you jobs. _____ quiters rationally evaluate alternative jobs and are relatively free of strong negative emotions toward their employers. c. Knowledge b. e. a hybrid organization. This act prohibit discrimination in employment against women based on gestation, childbirth, or related conditions. The Chicago Bulls basketball team is made up of players with a variety of personal values. All of the following are considered cultural dimensions EXCEPT. Choose the right CV format for your needs. c. Age a. B. Impulsive Older workers say their biggest problem is: A. discrimination by would-be employers who underestimate their skills. A. unmarried 30-year-old male. Variety The extent to which you feel positive or negative about various aspects of your work is called job ______. School Alamo Colleges; Course Title BMGT 1301; Type. income, Stress is the feeling of tension and pressure; the source of that stress is known as a(n) _____. The components of __________ __________ are the things that are not as often considered in society but are integral to an individual's make up. motivation, life satisfaction A. discrimination by would-be employers who underestimate their skills. A. Manufacturing (on average, 45% of respondents agreed with stereotypical claims), Healthcare (32% of respondents agreed with the stereotypes). Which of the following statements about demotions is true? c. It has decreased ethical decision making for managers. A. C. conditional quitters. d. costly lawsuits. B. Positive stress that can stimulate better coping and adaptation, What are examples of emotional labor on the job? Many executives are starting families later in life and finding a personal need for convenient child care. d. nearshoring. e. reduced turnover. The general perception of older workers is still slightly stereotypical: on average, 37% of respondents agreed with older worker stereotypes while 31% disagreed. What is the term for the attitudes or beliefs that affect our understanding, actions, and decisions in an unconscious manner? The catchphrase of 2019, OK Boomer, has relit an ongoing conflict between younger and older generations. Traditionally, career success has been defined as: A. occupational advancement. a. a. auditing the company's financial statements for accuracy. More women will continue to be hired for top leadership jobs. B. c. ethnocentrism. Technology is a major driver for organizational change. Developing a stereotype of the organization, Which of the following is NOT important to the socialization process? Abstract ideals that guide a person's thinking and behavior in all situations are called ______. e. All of these are correct. Respondents were asked 11 close-ended questions and 2 open-ended questions. a. Choose the right Cover Letter format for your needs. If you would like to set your cookies preferences, click the Settings button below. These cookies are placed by third-party companies to deliver targeted content based on relevant topics that are of interest to you. K-Mart had 896896896 swimsuits that were marked to sell at $49.99\$49.99$49.99 per unit. C. retirees. Fair Employment Act d. Orientation to authority Jared is from the United States, but is working in Mexico. d. Diversity management b. recommending new products and services. More people participating in organized religion. Which assumption about the U.S. workforce is true? Which statement about older workers is true? D. crystallized intelligence. \scriptstyle\begin{array}{|c|c|c|l|l|} According to the Pew Research Center, which statement is accurate regarding predicted trends in the United States during the next few decades? a. Karen was surprised when her friend said that the man at the first table in the restaurant must be a great basketball player just because he was tall and African American. c. Compensation is tailored for knowledge workers. Life cycle theory e. Privilege difference, Which of the following best reflects low individualism? Dont like to share their knowledge and experience, Dont identify themselves with the companies they work for. D. Tournament theory, Instead of upward mobility, more organizations in the future will be encouraging workers to "find rewards and happiness" in _____ mobility. Variety Which statement accurately describes a characteristic of information technology? We may also collect password information from you when you log in, as well as computer and/or connection information. d. avoid collecting any private information. c. diversity mentoring. All Rights Reserved. Impulse b. focusing on differences among people. Technology has widespread effects on the behavior of people in the organization. These candidates include two people of colour. B. cognitive perceptions. a. Pairing a senior employee with a junior employee so that each can learn about a different group in the Distress Which of the following statements about older workers is true?Select one:A. d. Gender a. corporate culture. And the differences between age groups are where it gets interesting: Interestingly, this claim saw the largest percentage difference in answers between older and younger workers.Verifying this stereotype is no easy taskyoud have to heavily rely on self-reported data and subjective experience. that the deal of a five-card hand provides: Who needs to be involved in the design of products and services. They are interested in learning new things. e. Labor unions, __________are techniques that can help organizations manage diversity. If youre unable to sell your product or service, your business is as good as none at all. Many managers prefer to demote employees rather than discharge them or move them, B. She told him it probably wouldn't matter because he was never happy with any job. Which of the following statements does NOT describe individualistic cultures? D. the stereotype of older workers as difficult colleagues. In addition to the household's level of contribution (in dollars) and the hair color of the solicitor (blonde Caucasian, brunette Caucasian, or minority female), the researcher also recorded the beauty rating of the solicitor (measured quantitatively on a 10-point scale). stereotyping Titvle VII of 1964 Civil Rights Act, as amended. Older workers cannot work as effectively as younger workers. a. Masculinity _____ is defined as an individual's involvement, satisfaction, and enthusiasm for work. A computer scientist is one example of a knowledge worker. Older workers tend to be absent less frequently than younger workers. e. Increased employee performance, A business that combines and transforms resources into tangible outcomes that are then sold to others is called b. a biotechnology firm. Organizational behavior is a field of study that explains and ______ behavior. Older workers experience more job satisfaction than younger workers. Uploaded By accountingGVSU. P 127 which of the following statements is true about. Continuous improvement The wage gap between men and women is increasing. b. more frequent training in management tasks. C. opportunity to increase their salaries. B. c. Separation Informed consent c. Emotional intelligence What legislation prohibits discrimination against the disabled and requires organizations to provide reasonable accommodation for an individual's disabilities? Valuing personal achievement above the achievement of the group Which of the following is NOT a benefit experienced by organizations that value diversity? individual self-efficacy If an organization's managers show bigotry or prejudice toward a group of employees, what are the potential Stereotypes are typically based on all of the following characteristics EXCEPT \hline \text { Dishwasher } & \$ 229.55 & 125.00 \% & \text { a. } Diversity management involves which of the following? b. B. the up-or-out model. b. a biotechnology firm. Most old people are set in their ways and unable to change. B. performance review time Older workers are less interested in additional training or career development. Answer to: Indicate whether the statement is true or false. e. insourcing. lost the ability to use their episodic memory. What does Liam's behavior demonstrate? For ResumeLab, Michael uses his connections to help you thrive in your career. People with high rates of self-efficacy, including generalized self-efficacy, tend to have what characteristics? C. corporation. As the last step in our study, we analyzed cumulative responses to all stereotypical claims about older workers to identify who tends to agree with those and who rejects them. Which of the following describes the reverse mentoring technique? Perhaps more so than elsewhere, in the workplace. Ethical idealism Waiver Rules 6. Choice, Situations that can dramatically strain a person's ability to adapt, such as frequent migraine headaches Job goals Racial knowledge C. resignations. D. the stereotype of older workers as difficult colleagues. ) Many managers prefer to demote employees rather than discharge them or move them laterally. consequences to the organization? As experience is subjective, we understand that some participants and their answers might be affected by recency, attribution, exaggeration, self-selection, non-response, or voluntary response bias. based on an analysis of what people actually do in an organization. a. The people who volunteer for the local animal shelter have a wide variety of expertise that they use to help experiencing e. Personality, Which of the following is an example of deep-level diversity? b. employees are paid the same wages for doing the same type of tasks e. absolute. Staffing the organization with workers from the same age bracket. Which aspect of a core self-evaluation does Millicent's belief represent? A. Learning organizational policies a. Emotional intelligence reflects the ability to: (select all that apply), carry out accurate reasoning about emotions. D. skilled employees "poached" from other firms. 25% think otherwise. We surveyed 929 Americans and conducted an extensive literature review to find out. __________, which is prohibited by law, refers to the unfair or inequitable treatment based on prejudice. Identify the dimensions of primary diversity. c. thirty and forty And, as any thorough researcher would do, we started with a literature review. Our career systems, pay systems, and recruitment and assessment systems are designed against hiring older people. Which theory suggests that those responsible for promotion may use prior history of promotions, functional-area background, and number of different jobs held? See perfect Cover Letter examples that get you jobs. c. Affirmative action A Speed and accuracy of the processes involved in sensory input, attention, visual and motor memory, discrimination, comparison, and categorization are components of: A. cognitive perceptions. C. Older workers are less productive than younger workers.D. The thing is, as our study proved, there are many stereotypes considered popular which in fact arent. Older workers are of considerably less value to a company than younger workers.D. b. becoming more homogenous. c. Valuing personal freedom above all else 25% dont think its the case.There was no significant difference between the views of people over and under the age of 55 but men were much more likely to think so than women (45% vs. 33% respectively). c. Power distance Which of the following statements about older workers is true? e. Stereotyping, Generational groups are categorized by which designations? A. D. organizational learning. -Marital status, A objective characteristic required for an individual to perform a job properly is known as a __________ __________ __________ __________ (BFOQ). C. sex. His mother was commenting on Travis's ______. Comparison b. B. Why is it important to manage employees as individuals who have different personalities and circumstances? Crises His mother was commenting on Travis's ______. b. self-efficacy learned helplessness cognitive dissonance relationship management learned helplessness Emotional intelligence reflects the ability to: (select all that apply) carry out accurate reasoning about emotions monitor your and others' feelings and to use this information to guide your thinking and actions They are not absent more than younger workers. The ability to monitor your own feelings and those of others and to use this information to guide your thinking and actions is referred to as _____. C. the increase in gas prices -Employment history Age-based diversity is a. an issue organizations experienced in the past, but it is not impacting organizations today. More women will continue to be hired for top leadership jobs. Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 This act bars discrimination against disable employees in the private sector. Recognize words, sayings, and situations that trigger your emotions. a. employees are paid different wages for doing the same types of tasks Michael works with candidates across all career stagesfrom entry-level job seekers to executive coaches. b. All-level diversity C. cyclical Forward-looking To help ensure that respondents took our survey seriously, all respondents were required to identify and correctly answer to an attention-check question. a. board isolation. c. implicit Such employees may defined as freelancers, consultants or independent contractors. A. is not constrained by time pressures =. Pages 9 Ratings 100% (1) 1 out of 1 people found this document helpful; Given the gender and age makeup of our large sample, the study can be generalized to the entire population. And guess what? According to the research papers we examined, the popular stereotype is that workers over the age of 55: Come on, it cant be the case in 2020! A. impulsive quitters. A. the depressed housing market b. The only statistically significant difference observed was in blood pressure levelsthat said, the average blood pressure of an employee over the age of 55 was still within the healthy range. C. life cycle leisure. Just make sure to link back to this page to give the authors proper credit. B. military veterans \hline \text { Fredo } & 0.158 & 0.166 & 0.012 \\ The board of directors compiles a list of five equally eligible candidates. D. older workers. Keep in mind that disabling cookies may affect your experience on the Site. D. socialization. More than one million readers read his career advice every month. a. Longitudinal diversity d. Seniors, Generation T, Generation M Older workers are not as healthy as younger employees. D. demotions. D. Older workers experience more job satisfaction than younger workers. based on a variety of characteristics. a. Which of the following statements about older workers is true? group in the workforce is a diversity management technique referred to as Career _____ represent logical and possible sequences of positions that could be held. \hline A number of activities carried out at Flash Express are listed below. Simple irritants, such as misplacing things or being overworked To appear intimidating to employees c. Providing diversity training programs Michael Tomaszewski is a resume expert and a career advice writer for ResumeLab. What term describes retired workers' choice to return to the workforce? Pregnant women. C. personal flexibility. Developing a stereotype of the organization c. increased employee morale. C. Getting to know one's peers B. female worker. b. Tiered Sexual orientation c. Technology provides a competitive advantage. B. their training performance is slightly lower than that of younger workers. False, MNGT 301 || Chapter 8: Organizational Culture. Tolerance 55. He believes that his culture, language, and behavior are superior to those of his Mexican employees. bias, People who feel greater job satisfaction are also likely to experience greater ______. c. an increase in employee lawsuits. d. It has increased collaboration among employees. This is known as _____. Negative stress that can cause anxiety and illness Jobs and are relatively free of strong negative emotions toward their employers information better than earlier information of. Techniques that can stimulate which statement about older workers is true? coping and adaptation, what are examples of emotional labor the! 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