Ive registered the information in your message. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top, Not the answer you're looking for? To be more precise, though, you can use Thank you for your note when someone sends you a reminder through email. For less pressing issues, duly noted alone may work. I should be able to get back to you Tuesday at the latest. In other words, the message evokes a good reaction in the receiver. Generally, its good when someone acknowledges your email with well noted. Webreceived and Acknowledged or acknowledged? More popular! For simple email confirmations with people whom we constantly exchange emails with, short messages work perfectly fine. I will look into it and let you know the findings. Your monthly report has been reviewed with approval. suggests the meaning of carefully and properly understood. This works best with instructions and reminders done through email. If the mail youre writing is a formal one, related to business or school or anything like that, you can say I acknowledge the fact that If youre writing to a friend or a relative, you can say Ive noted your point. For ex: I completely acknowledge that this project is my own creation. The phrase duly noted means that the information given is completely understood and taken note of. Thank you for your email. Making statements based on opinion; back them up with references or personal experience. "@type": "Answer", The song was very well received and has been a Whitesnake live staple for many years. When we send emails, we often start our emails formally, such as by using different ways to say I hope this email finds you well in the introduction. This issue has been bothering me for a few days now, and I couldnt really figure out what was wrong. In other words, the message evokes a good reaction in the receiver. Let me know if the schedule works for you. The feature you are asking for should not be hard to create, but I will have to confirm it with them first. Your email was appreciated is a great way of thanking the person for reaching out, and subtextually it notifies the person that their message not only is of value, but that it was received and read. They can be used to maintain healthy working relationships with clients even when we are not around. Well received, which is sometimes hyphenated, means that something has gotten a good reaction or has been viewed with approval. For those concerning serious topics, the complete sentence format Your email is duly noted is suggested. An email or attachment cannot be 'well received'. This one might seem a little odd, but Ive registered the information in your message is a great technical way to notify the person that the information they provided was valuable enough to be worth registering and notifying other parties of it, creating a record for ease of access. WebThe album was also well received and gained more commercial attention than its predecessor. Thank you very much for checking in on me these days. rev2023.3.1.43269. grateful and owe or grateful and owe my ? An email or attachment cannot be 'well received'. Learn more about Stack Overflow the company, and our products. How do you acknowledge a professional email? Promptly notify clients and partners that you have seen their email in order to enable them to continue any other necessary task. Theyll use the information youve provided for them to change whatever they need to on the system. But, if we know how to respond to an unhappy customer email well, we could easily get rid of those uncomfortable feelings in a heartbeat. I Received or I Have Received Which is Correct? In life, sticky situations sometimes happen. Simple Email Acknowledgement for job applicants: Dear Kentura, This is to confirm I have received this email. Thanks for your email. It means the recipient has registered what they have been told and that they appreciate being informed about it. WebYour message was very helpful is a great phrase to use, because not only does it notify the person that their email was read and well-received, but it also thanks the person for sending it in the first place. Sometimes, we may have to deal with disappointed people through emails, especially when we belong to the customer service department. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Apart from questions and concerns, emails may also contain valuable insights from the people with whom we normally interact at work or at school. So, if you want to convey a relatively more old-fashioned message, which is still very much acceptable these days, feel free to use this one. As you may know, without the hyphen, the phrase heads up may unintentionally prompt your reader to look at the ceiling for no reason. In fact, they are having a meeting in the conference room right now, so I should be able to give you an update once its over. Thank you for your email is perhaps one of the most mundane expressions we get to see and use at work or even at school. To professionally respond to a thank you email means to avoid casual expressions like no biggie, no problemo, and all good. Instead, it means using more formal ones like youre welcome, the pleasure is mine, or my pleasure.. The play was well received and his performance was noted by director Jake Rufli, who later invited him to be part of his production of Jean Anouilh's "Eurydice". If we restate the expression, it would be more like I have received your message, and I am happy about it., Thus, Your email is well received should be reserved for pieces of good news and suggestions. On its own, this is a very casual phrase. The performance review forms will be released by the end of the month. This message can be used when asking someone at work to help us solve an issue that may have been troubling us for days. This is a roundabout way of letting the person know that their message was read, because by stating the importance of the message you received, youre letting them know that you read the message in the first place. For more similar expressions, feel free to read our previous post on alternatives and synonyms for Thank you for your email which talks about the said expression in-depth. Received with thanks is understood to be an abbreviation of I received it with thanks, so it is clear that with thanks describes how you received it. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); 2023 FAQS Clear - All Rights Reserved For example, "The book was well received by critics." An email or attachment cannot be 'well received'. 5 Polite Presentation The saying there are two sides to a coin confirms the fact that conditions of things can be either positive or negative. 2. I agree with your suggestion to adjust the information on slides 4 and 5 and make them easier to understand. Your email was safely received (or: received safely). ", I am planning to submit my initial proposal to my department two months later. The information you sent me was of great use. It is also suitable in any context, no matter whether formal or casual. I am planning to submit my initial proposal to my department two months later. I will make a written report for their concerns, if any, for your review. taken into account exp. I prefer anytime between 3 to 6 pm, as I also have another part-time work in the morning. Thank you for reaching out to me suggests that the email sender has contacted you first for some reason, such as when job applicants follow up on their application status. Well received does not come with a hyphen when the noun comes before it. This message is formal because it reiterates the subject or topic of the email that you have received from someone, thereby preventing ambiguities and misleading information. I believe we had better discuss the implications of the survey the soonest time possible. Itll be of great use to me and my team of experts. Please expect an update through email soon. grateful and owe or grateful and owe my ? Thank you for understanding. Be brief: Keep your response short. It has either been received or it has not. In actual language use, certain alternatives convey extended meanings or implications that go far beyond the surface. Webwell receive noted or well received noted? "name": "How do we use “well received” in a sentence? Noted with thanks means that the information received has been recorded and that the recipient is grateful to have received it from the sender. Noted means theyre happy to do that for you. Focus on the gratitude you feel and the benefit you gained from the original interaction. , Describe how you benefited from the situation. (a bit more formal) Receipt confirmed. of manner sincerely intensifies the implied meaning of your message, which is strategic in advice-seeking circumstances. Auto-responses are a great tool when someone is out of the office or on leave. Well received, which is sometimes hyphenated, means that something has gotten a good reaction or has been viewed with approval. This one is suitable when acknowledging issues or concerns about policies or processes that have been adjusted or changed for some reason. Thank you once again. I will further discuss possible solutions with the customer service team and get in touch with you again. I agree with you that well received means getting a good reaction from people. Its direct and doesnt use overly complicated language, and it also hits a really good tone balance: Not too friendly, not too cold. Instead, just try saying, OK, name of the sender or Yes, sounds good for example. You can also phrase this as I/We appreciated your email. Thank you very much. Thanks and noted or Noted and thanks? Thanks for your email is a good choice for that because it gets rid of the stiffness in tone brought about by formal language use. The documents are safely received. Make sure, though, that you have a well-established bond with the other person youre communicating with to also prevent slightly offending them. Heres how you can do that in more detail: Thank you for the update. Repeating it helps us to show that weve understood our assignment. It's like when people say, "You will be missed," or "Your work is appreciated". (8 Better Alternatives), 9 Other Ways to Say Im Good At on a Resume, 10 Polite Ways to Say No Visitors after Surgery, 11 Best Ways to Say Im Here for You to a Loved One, 10 Professional Ways to Say I Am Not Feeling Well, Ive received your message. WebThe best way to perfect your writing. Yes, I am happy to accept your invitation. On its own, this is a very casual phrase. The exclamation point at the end specifically makes the message more personal, so dont be afraid to make use of it in your email. Use caution with this phrase as many native English speakers might think it is too abrupt, defensive, or sarcastic. I will promptly discuss your request with Mr. Jacobs when he gets back to the office tomorrow. Your email is successfully received with many thanks takes on a kiss-and-kick tonality because of its mixed connotation. For example, we may want to use this message for writing a thank you email after a Zoom interview with a prospective employer. Thank you for the inquiry suggests that a question or concern has been raised by your email sender. The Meaning Behind 16 Job Application Statuses Revealed. Your email is well received suggests that the message contained in the email is positively noted. This expression also works very well as a mass messaging tool, and it generally works better than imposing to read the message we are showing or sending. One good way of doing this is to use the professional undertone of This is to acknowledge receipt of your email, just like in the next example. Dr. Keatings ethnographic research work on Tongan culture is. So, this post aims to clear out the confusion about well received as well as well-received, its hyphenated version. For this, I sincerely thank you. When an email is said to be well received, it commonly suggests that a piece of good news is contained in the email, hence the positive connotation. Focus on the gratitude you feel and the benefit you gained from the original interaction. Hey fellow Linguaholics! Thank you for your email regarding needs an object afterward. Webwell noted with thanks. I prefer anytime between 3 to 6 pm, as I also have another part-time work in the morning. This is a phrase that indicates some information has been received and understood. Hope thats okay with you. 1. English Language & Usage Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for linguists, etymologists, and serious English language enthusiasts. Last but not least, Hi. Ive received your message. Noted means theyre happy to do that for you. Ive heard they serve really good steak. Duress at instant speed in response to Counterspell. This is known as a reconfirmation. If this doesnt work, you may also want to check out. I sincerely appreciate your guidance. Thank you very much. Instead you can say something like "I was pleased to receive your news/attachment". Its a somewhat personal phrase, but still uses formal language. I will get right into the issue within the day and reach out to you again soon. Using insight instead of the plural form insights readily suggests that a single piece of advice or form of awareness is given. Thank you for allowing me to use your previous research work on culture. Your response to their email is just a follow-up, so it doesn't require a lengthy explanation. 5 Polite Presentation The saying there are two sides to a coin confirms the fact that conditions of things can be either positive or negative. See you! Its a good balance for a business email. Your message was very helpful is a great phrase to use, because not only does it notify the person that their email was read and well-received, but it also thanks the person for sending it in the first place. It is less formal than I am acknowledging the receipt of your email, which is slightly too much. Learn more about us here. Input your text below. 2. Furthermore, he has teaching experience from Aarhus University. 3. The request stated in your email will be taken into consideration. Weve taken the pictures you sent us and will be processing them at the lab soon. It bears a casual tone particularly because of the usage of heads-up which suggests some form of warning or any advanced notice of something. Most of the time, email writing is likely about assistance seeking and giving. It wasnt. Are there conventions to indicate a new item in a list? Ive heard they serve really good steak. Thank you for your email and help. Thank you for your insight. Read more about Martin here. "name": "Should it be “well received” or “received well”? Confirming that I received your email, I think that youre absolutely correct and that we need to rethink our approach to this entire conference. Does Cast a Spell make you a spellcaster? I will further discuss possible solutions with the customer service team and get in touch with you again. WebThe best way to perfect your writing. I would say that my overall well-being has improved since the last therapy session with you. { If you want simply to confirm to your professor that you have received a message, well received conveys more than that. Your suggestion is great and strategic, so I will forward this to the tech team soon. 1. 13 Ways to Respond to an Interview Request for Grad School, How to List Clinical Rotations on Your Resume Like a Pro. This is one of the reasons why email writing skills and etiquette are largely sought by employers around the world. When You Breathe In Your Diaphragm Does What? Otherwise, you should respond with a question or clarification. Well received, which is sometimes hyphenated, means that something has gotten a good reaction or has been viewed with approval. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. Make sure to use a hyphen between heads and up when using it as a noun to make your message more accurate. Thank you for the reminder. , Fair enough / I see where youre coming from / I take your point / That makes sense. regarding the recent client complaints. Thank you for the inquiry. Lets now take a look at each of them below. It has either been received or it has not. Thank you very much for your email is not only a grammatically-correct sentence but also a very polite one. Acknowledge promptly that you received a message. Things have been quite rough at work lately, so I havent been able to get back to you right away. I appreciate your consideration/guidance/help/time. 1 Answer. Thank you very much for getting in touch. It is a yes. Polite acknowledgments through email can be done by using more grammatically complete statements such as This is to confirm receipt of your email or This is to acknowledge receipt of your email., Well received is usually used after a linking verb in a sentence or as a predicative adjective, such as in His new book is well received by many. At other times, it is also used as a postpositive adjective such as in a book well received., When the goal is to simply say I have received something, neither well received nor received well is appropriate. I am also eating and sleeping more regularly these days without the help of any medication. In case we want to take on a more personal approach, we could also make use of either dont mention it or my pleasure.. We've added a "Necessary cookies only" option to the cookie consent popup. Thank you very much for checking in on me these days. No matter whether in email writing or other contexts, the usage of well received or well-received is dependent on sentence structure. Well received, which is sometimes hyphenated, means that something has gotten a good reaction or has been viewed with approval. The demo video you sent helps a lot too. For regular acknowledgments, the expression well received may not be very suitable as it evokes a certain feeling that something is pleasant.. Truce of the burning tree -- how realistic? If you want to take on a more specific and formal email approach, you can also make us of Thank you for your email regarding. By thanking the person for their information, you establish a good relationship with them for the future. I have already forwarded your proposal to our senior designer this morning. In the meantime, please let me know if you have any questions that I can personally address. that you had better limit within your warm connections. Improve your English! By clicking Post Your Answer, you agree to our terms of service, privacy policy and cookie policy. However, depending on your tone and intention, some may consider it rude. This is something we can use as a default message in almost all cases. If you are the message sender, though, you would be writing. Discover why 523,129 users count on TextRanch to get their English corrected! But more important, I think, it might come across as a little inappropriate, since she is supposed to be advising you and reviewing your work, whereas you are not normally in a position to review hers. 1 Answer Thank you, Ive received your message. In case you are still wondering about other possible ways to say well received, we have also listed some synonyms for this phrase. How do you respond to a well received email? Duly noted is a polite phrase. It is clear, concise, and has little to no chance of misleading readers. Acknowledging receipt of your email. WebYour message was very helpful is a great phrase to use, because not only does it notify the person that their email was read and well-received, but it also thanks the person for sending it in the first place. In fact, the expression well received is one of the most commonly used responses in business correspondence. See a translation 1 like Xol1004 5 Oct 2019 English (US) That ohrasing is a bit awkward and overly formal. Hi. I sincerely appreciate you reaching out is something that works well with invitations done through email. { Hope thats okay with you. Take a look at this example for more clarity: Thank you very much for your email. ? I will be back on Wednesday, so I should be able to get back to you by then. Site design / logo 2023 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. instead, which should then be followed by your intent. How do you write an Acknowledgement reply email? Please let me know when youre in Miami, so we could grab a quick meal or coffee. Repeating it helps us to show that weve understood our assignment. Receipt confirmed. Confirming that I received your email, Im forwarding you the requested pictures. Please note that he has not informed me when exactly he would be back, so you could expect an update about this matter the following day. While I was looking for sources, I was interested to see that well received is quite often misused in professional emails to convey confirmation of receipt. While the latter expression well received with thanks is conveniently used by many people these days, it somehow evokes an unlikely feeling. We can only keep progressing the project thanks to people like you. "@context": "https://schema.org", It would sound a bit out of place. With how impersonal email messaging can be, this holds great value. Your email is successfully received with many thanks. The convention schedules seem very busy and Ill use the data you sent me to make the most of my time there. I will get right into it and send the new slides to you soon. Improve your English! Well noted is perhaps the closest synonym, not to mention the best, for well received that you can freely use in email writing. E.g. Our team is already working on new features to make the website more user-friendly, and these should be available within the week. Here's what you should bear in mind when writing acknowledgment emails: Try to reinforce agreements or revise the terms of the agreement if you are at the point of reaching an agreement. Discover why 523,129 users count on TextRanch to get their English corrected! Make sure to carefully review whatever is being asked or consulted before using this expression as a response. E.g. How to Put Availability on a Resume Top 10 Tips! grateful and owe or grateful and owe my ? How to Put SQL Skills on a Resume Like a Pro, Thank you for your concern in (Business) Correspondence. Now, I could already troubleshoot the bug on my own. These general thank-you phrases can be used for all personal and professional communications: Yes, you can its a bit brief, but its often used. In case you want to be extra careful with the words you use, you can also choose Your email is sincerely appreciated., This message is in passive sentence format that gets rid of narcissistic tendencies implied by the excessive use of the pronoun I.. 3. Use caution with this phrase as many native English speakers might think it is too abrupt, defensive, or sarcastic. Webreceived and Acknowledged or acknowledged? Your response to their email is just a follow-up, so it doesn't require a lengthy explanation. Someone might casually say, Noted, but to say, Well noted, or Duly noted, is to emphasize that they have read your message, understood it fully, and will act according to your wishes. It is duly noted. I will discuss the new process with my team within the day and give you an update soon. "acceptedAnswer": { The song was very well received and has been a Whitesnake live staple for many years. To say that an email is well noted means that it is clearly understood rather than just received or acknowledged. This expression is appropriate when instructions are given, such as when responding to an academic interview invitation like in the next example: Example: Dear Miss Alice, Your email is well noted. Your email is duly noted. say thank you in email writing depends on the overall context of the language exchange. With well-established professional relationships, replying with short, casual messages is even more appreciated because of its time-saving purpose. 2. Check now One of our experts will correct your English. Let me check in with the sourcing team within the day and discuss the changes to the recruitment process with them. 3. Well received is used to suggest that something is appreciated, such as information and attachments sent via email among others. Ive just completed a wire transfer for the entire payment. { I confirm that Ive received your message. Its me, Marcel. Its a good way of reminding the person that youve taken all the available information into account. This is something you would have to use when any form of assessment is given to you by the other person, such as when consulting a piece of work and asking for comments in return. }, 13 Ways to Respond to an Interview Request for Grad School, How to List Clinical Rotations on Your Resume Like a Pro. There has been some confusion on my side due to my unfamiliarity with the legal language. The new design and cost estimates seem doable, and I strongly believe that Mr. and Mrs. Stewart would already agree to these. But, it is also one of the most mistakenly used, catch-all phrases to date. In practice, the recommended email response time is within one to two days, if not earlier; following this rule of thumb is a key driving force among businesses. Its been a rough year for our small business but the support is valuable. The first issue of the series was well received and met favorable reviews for both writing and art. A well-received music festival is what we are looking forward to this year. I will contact Dr. Farcier immediately and mention that you recommended him. WebWell received and noted, we will do accordingly. It works well when someone sends you a message first after previously telling them to do so once a step or process has been completed. She noted the worn but relatively new clothes that clung to his lean frame. How do you say received thanks? Dear Bob, Thank you for the information. Your sessions have really helped me in ways I couldnt have imagined before. This is noted with thanks. ] Let me check in with the sourcing team within the day and discuss the changes to the recruitment process with them. Take note that you should only use this particular expression upon receiving an email that aims to ask or request a piece of information from you. In other words, we simply do not want to seem like human spam. This kind of emails may end with, Please acknowledge receipt of this message, Kindly acknowledge receipt of this email or Please acknowledge receipt of this email. Confirming email receipt. Acknowledging receipt of your email is also a great confirmation response to use. One basic email writing skill that every person in the business world should bear in mind is acknowledging messages or information receipts. There has been some confusion on my side due to my unfamiliarity with the legal language. WebThe album was also well received and gained more commercial attention than its predecessor. 1. Feel free to use this response to most with your immediate colleagues. Check now One of our experts will correct your English. Your email is well received suggests that the message contained in the email is positively noted. Thanks for understanding. With how impersonal email messaging can be, this holds great value. It is often used as an introductory sentence to imply that one is sincerely acknowledging the receipt of any piece of information received via any email platform. , Rachel noted her rising color and grinned. She hasnt written again since her last, incredibly well-received novel. I will be checking your teams survey responses within the hour and get by to you soon. That said, the expression well received as well as other related ones have become even more frequently used these days. Input your text below. 3. See a translation 1 like Xol1004 5 Oct 2019 English (US) That ohrasing is a bit awkward and overly formal. Another great, formal alternative to well received is Your email is well noted, which is a widely-used response too. Meanwhile, if you are in the position to approve a report or even a request, reviewed with approval would be more fitting. Is it even used the same way as its hyphenated version well-received? The game was well received and spawned a new franchise: the Jedi Knight games. Ive read your email is a very matter of fact and direct statement, but it can be very useful when it comes to long exchanges that seem to go around in circles. Use this phrase when requests are being made, and you still need to consult with another person before giving approval. WebI have received and understood works well to start an email to your boss. Heres an example to particularly show that: Thank you for reaching out to me. 1. Improve your English! todays meeting. How to use the term "carbon copy" in business emails? WebWell noted in emails means that someone has received, read, and understood what youve sent them prior. Thank you for your email and feedback. He was noted for his great knowledge, the most of which he had obtained from books. You can follow it up with anything you need to. Is Dear All Appropriate In A Work Email? The more suggested response would be received with thanks or confirming receipt., The Many Meanings of (Korean) Crow Tit DEMYSTIFIED, Thank You Notes for Physical Therapist Full Samples & Tips, How to Send a Resume via Email Template & Examples. I am a PhD student. If you receive an email that you cannot promptly attend to, acknowledge the email and tell the sender the time the issue will be addressed. Well received, which is sometimes hyphenated, means that something has gotten a good reaction or has been viewed with approval. In other words, the message evokes a good reaction in the receiver. My sincere appreciation/gratitude/thanks. Great knowledge, the pleasure is mine, or sarcastic sender or Yes, good. Safely received ( or: received safely ) advanced notice of something mind is acknowledging or... The message evokes a certain feeling that something is pleasant the email is well received is one of experts. Should respond with a hyphen between heads and up when using it as a to. 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