trilogy save editor change hair color

You will get patches of orange/brown on the lips if you leave it exactly the same as your skin tone. You can see the changes clearest in LE3 squad screen. If these patents are transferred, the Licensorundertakes to have the transferees subscribe to the obligations setforth in this paragraph.5.1 RIGHT OF USEThe Licensee is authorized to use the Software, without any limitationas to its fields of application, with it being hereinafter specifiedthat this comprises: 1. permanent or temporary reproduction of all or part of the Software by any or all means and in any or all form. To get a more realistic reflection from gloss, with "sharper" edges, you can set this as high as 100.Matte LipsHED_Addn_Spec_Lips_Scalar: -0.100HED_Addn_SPwr_Lips_Scalar: -0.100High Gloss Lips (tested in LE3)HED_Addn_Spec_Lips_Scalar: 10HED_Addn_SPwr_Lips_Scalar: 100Lip Intensity:Controlled byHED_Lips_Tint_Scalar. Copyright 2023 Robin Scott. When creating backup, copy the old save instead of renaming it. To the right, scroll until you see "className". The powerful open-source mod manager from Nexus Mods. Install hundreds of mods with the click of a button. This subreddit is the unofficial source for people who love the Mass Effect universe including the games, books, comics, and DLC. I tried entering 0.0001 to 10000, for both those entries - but no effect. loss of data,loss of profits, operating loss, loss of customers or orders,opportunity cost, any disturbance to business activities) or any or alllegal proceedings instituted against the Licensee by a third party,shall constitute consequential loss and shall not provide entitlement toany or all compensation from the Licensor. Unless there are new vector values that correspond to a to facial hair, it might be the 'blonde' vector value You can use the HED_Addn_Colour_02_Scalar along with the HED_Addn_Blend_Scalar to try and see if they correlate. Any assistance would be appreciated. Changing hair color in ME1: Maybe some of you may be interested in this as well to change things up a bit in ME1. Any assistance would be appreciated. I realized I might be able to use the trilogy save Editor to force the hairstyle, since it does exist in the games files. Scroll down to "Squad" and click, then click on "Player". I'm having two issues I can't seem to fix: Does the color of the eyebrows affect the facial hair? Copyright 2023 Black Tree Gaming Ltd. All rights reserved. Support for the 2 Mass Effect Trilogies (Original and Legendary) 100% of the saves can be edited (except ME1OT) Thousands of plot flags Bioware's plot database Import / Export head morph nerinda 2 yr. ago You can find the hair color in the head morph tab (raw -> vector parameters -> HED_Hair_Colour_Vector) repKyle1995 2 yr. ago Thanks! Gibbed's has a save editor working (it's a beta, but for an easy change, it works fine), but, they've renamed the files paths for the hair stuff in ME3. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. WebStep 3: Adjust Your Brush Settings and Start Painting. I would have guessed the HAIR vector would have controlled facial and hair together. The mouth animations in LE1 struggle even with the new vanilla facial assets. Locate and load the savegame you want to edit Each Mass Effect 2 career have its own unique directory. Mine was 0.700 in LE2 and 0.950 in LE3Eyeshadow:Controlled byHED_Brow_Tint_Scalar.Eyebrows:HED_Addn_Colour_02_Scalar and HED_Addn_Blowout_Scalar work together here. Credit goes to Gibbed Remove the if you are copying and pasting. Expand "Vector parameters" Expand "HED_Hair_Colour_Vector" Underneath "HED_Hair_Colour_Vector" you see three parameters. It has been very useful to me. When you are satisfied, download your picture. All you need to do is copy and paste the Value code of the following corresponding textures codes of which non-standard hair mesh you replaced earlier. Several functions may not work. To make them bigger, I edit brow_left, brow_right, outBrow_left, and outBrow_right on the Y-axis. 0.000 has a faint shine on female characters. Now, giant overbites and weird green hair with red eyeballs! Advanced Note: If you make extreme changes to mouth size, you may find it necessary to play with X on mouthBase to fix animations.Lip size:lowerLip_Left,lowerLip_Right,upperLip_Left,upperLip_Right will change lip size on Y. Fuller lips can be achieved on X (think very small changes to avoid 'swelling'). When logged in, you can choose up to 12 games that will be displayed as favourites in this menu. In LE2, the implants will work without this value, but they won't show up in LE3 without it. Every X/Y/Z value has its own axis for the part you are manipulating. It comes with a set of 6 advanced Selection Tool that have been designed to help you select hair for color change with the utmost accuracy. This software is similar to Gibbed's save editors (and forks) but adds a lot of stuff. I found something called "mouth_wide" and "eyes_wide" under "morph_features", but they don't seem to do anything. 2. In LE3, step your value down in increments of 0.01, and check for eyelash clipping on the blink in cutscenes.Scalar Parameters:light and intensity on a texture. This is simply a text file of notes I have collected from the web and from my own tinkering for the editing of the the head morph via altering values using the Trilogy Editor byKarlitos' (. To the right, scroll until you see "className". WebClick the "Change Hair Color Now" button on this page, and open our hair color tester. I love how much sharper the jaw was in me2. But there wouldn't be any pictures. Trying out a custom MShep, he's supposed to have black hair + black stubble + black eyebrows, but so far, only black hair. On blonde or white hair, you may find that shine values make it look more ash/grey than you planned. 3. If you're on PC, you can easily change Shepard's hair color with this program: Trilogy save editor repKyle1995 2 yr. ago Oh nice, I'll have to try that out! Now, open the extracted file player.sav in HxD. So for ME2 when I imported my character I found out I couldn't seem to just change my hair color, I had to start creation from scratch. Put in the proper hair code information and save it. Please note that texture paths vary between the games. Do I have to do this in Mass Effect 2, or can I do this in ME1? You could also try usingEYE_Lens_Spwr_Scalar.Vector Parameters:colour! Go to the "Head Morph" tab. Upload the image in which you want to change your hair color. The plot table is now `25x bigger` than before by just adding one plot! To change skin tone. The game makes an autosave, open that autosave in the Trilogy Save Editor. Go to Headmorph Tab->Vector Parameters->Skin Tone. Community Forum Software by IP.BoardLicensed to: Nexus Mods. Page 34 of 200 - Trilogy Save Editor - posted in File topics: For the Illusive Man Eyes the old method from Gibbed still works, not sure about posting links but here is a guide I got from a different user/community crediting Gibbed. Jane Revisited - Femshep Headmorphs for the Complete Trilogy, So You'd Like To Customize Your FemShep Further. 2.500 works for deeper skin.Lip Shine:Controlled byHED_Addn_Spec_Lips_Scalar. Press J to jump to the feed. Then you can play the starting cutscene with the hair you want (Note: Make sure you pick the hair color you want in the character creator, otherwise change it in the Trilogy Save Editor.) Hi. You will find exceptions to those rules if you play with the mouth settings.Mouths are extremely easy to break, but the payoff is nearly worth it. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Idk if there a way to look into the game files and find the name that way. Use Trilogy Save Editor.Backup your save files. TIM eyes guide for ME3: Open your Save_000# file Hair info for ME3, trilogy face codes, and more in the detailed description overview. All I get is Role-Play, Gamplay, and Morality for ME1LE. Edited by ColBatguano, 06 June 2021 - 06:19 pm. Use Trilogy Save Editor. Article 10 - TERMINATION10.1 In the event of a breach by the Licensee of its obligationshereunder, the Licensor may automatically terminate this Agreementthirty (30) days after notice has been sent to the Licensee and hasremained ineffective.10.2 A Licensee whose Agreement is terminated shall no longer beauthorized to use, modify or distribute the Software. Users are therefore encouraged to load and test thesuitability of the software as regards their requirements in conditionsenabling the security of their systems and/or data to be ensured and,more generally, to use and operate it in the same conditions ofsecurity. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Go to Headmorph Tab->Vector Parameters->Skin Tone. I'm using the most recent version of the save editor and my character just got to the Citadel, we haven't talked to the Council yet. Exceptions for Femshep's default hair and Aller's hair, because these require precise edits to the head's vertices (found in LOD0) to avoid the head clipping through the mesh. All you need to do is copy and paste the Value code of the following corresponding textures codes of which non-standard hair mesh you replaced earlier. It's fairly easy: First, unpack one of your save files with the method described here in steps 1-3. click the "Toolbox" tab. All I get is Role-Play, Gamplay, and Morality for ME1LE. Locate and load the savegame you want to edit Each Mass Effect 2 career have its own unique directory. Please re-enable javascript to access full functionality. However, anylicenses that it may have granted prior to termination of the Agreementshall remain valid subject to their having been granted in compliancewith the terms and conditions hereof. No warranty is given as regards the existence ofprior rights over the name of the Software or as regards the existenceof a trademark. Bioware's plot database. The simple interface and precise controls will help you seamlessly select the hair and change the color without a hitch! You currently have javascript disabled. Skin: HED_SPwr_Scalar controls the highlight shine on the face. Most any hair can be swapped in on this line. Open save game editor and then go to the "Raw" tab. This should bring up your imported Shepard, except you can then tweak the sliders to adjust from there. This light appears to be emited from Shep, independent of light sources. Click open and the box will disappear and you'll see your Shepard's information has been loaded into the Player > Basic tab. WebStep 3: Adjust Your Brush Settings and Start Painting. Webopen Gibbed's Mass Effect 2 Save Editor and load any savegame with a face you want to "store". 1.000 is bolder lipstick. Web1. Article 1 - DEFINITIONSFor the purpose of this Agreement, when the following expressionscommence with a capital letter, they shall have the following meaning:Agreement: means this license agreement, and its possible subsequentversions and annexes.Software: means the software in its Object Code and/or Source Code formand, where applicable, its documentation, "as is" when the Licenseeaccepts the Agreement.Initial Software: means the Software in its Source Code and possibly itsObject Code form and, where applicable, its documentation, "as is" whenit is first distributed under the terms and conditions of the Agreement.Modified Software: means the Software modified by at least oneContribution.Source Code: means all the Software's instructions and program lines towhich access is required so as to modify the Software.Object Code: means the binary files originating from the compilation ofthe Source Code.Holder: means the holder(s) of the economic rights over the InitialSoftware.Licensee: means the Software user(s) having accepted the Agreement.Contributor: means a Licensee having made at least one Contribution.Licensor: means the Holder, or any other individual or legal entity, whodistributes the Software under the Agreement.Contribution: means any or all modifications, corrections, translations,adaptations and/or new functions integrated into the Software by any orall Contributors, as well as any or all Internal Modules.Module: means a set of sources files including their documentation thatenables supplementary functions or services in addition to those offeredby the Software.External Module: means any or all Modules, not derived from theSoftware, so that this Module and the Software run in separate addressspaces, with one calling the other when they are run.Internal Module: means any or all Module, connected to the Software sothat they both execute in the same address space.GNU GPL: means the GNU General Public License version 2 or anysubsequent version, as published by the Free Software Foundation Inc.GNU Affero GPL: means the GNU Affero General Public License version 3 orany subsequent version, as published by the Free Software Foundation Inc.EUPL: means the European Union Public License version 1.1 or anysubsequent version, as published by the European Commission.Parties: mean both the Licensee and the Licensor.These expressions may be used both in singular and plural form. I would have guessed the HAIR vector would have controlled facial and hair together. But its going to Credits to Moraxix for the Even More Hairstyles Mod. Article 5 - SCOPE OF RIGHTS GRANTEDThe Licensor hereby grants to the Licensee, who accepts, the followingrights over the Software for any or all use, and for the term of theAgreement, on the basis of the terms and conditions set forth hereinafter.Besides, if the Licensor owns or comes to own one or more patentsprotecting all or part of the functions of the Software or of itscomponents, the Licensor undertakes not to enforce the rights granted bythese patents against successive Licensees using, exploiting ormodifying the Software. Article 9 - WARRANTY9.1 The Licensee acknowledges that the scientific and technicalstate-of-the-art when the Software was distributed did not enable allpossible uses to be tested and verified, nor for the presence ofpossible defects to be detected. This RGB tool let you see how a number changes Do the same for the _Norm code. Open your current playthrough in the save editor and import the face. Choose a colour you like, and then make it much deeper on the colour picker. 9 posts. Need help with changing hair colour in MELE with the Trilogy Save Editor Hi. ), ME1LE: Added the ability to change `player class` and `specialization`, Always opens the dialogs in the last opened save directory, ME2: Fixed number of missions after crew abducted, ME2: Added number of missions since last main story mission (useful to avoid being forced to do Collector ship, IFF activation, etc. Import / Export head morph. For texture settings and/or head morph import. Thanks goes out to Karlitos for the Trilogy Editor, without that fine thing, we would be stuck with boring colors and plain faces. Obviously did some changes with the Trilogy Save Editor Slightly changed some colors and gave her Ash's hair, which resulted in some weird texture clippings behind her ears Facecode works for facial structures and general look: 2Q3.K93.Q1G.581.T3P.84J.RDI.2I1.KA5.6T1.9G6.M3G.2 you can download the NOTE: this highlight colour will affect the mouth as well. WebThese are the textures you need to change. Objects in mirror are lighter than they appear. CeCILL FREE SOFTWARE LICENSE AGREEMENTVersion 2.1 dated 2013-06-21 NoticeThis Agreement is a Free Software license agreement that is the resultof discussions between its authors in order to ensure compliance withthe two main principles guiding its drafting: * firstly, compliance with the principles governing the distribution of Free Software: access to source code, broad rights granted to users, * secondly, the election of a governing law, French law, with which it is conformant, both as regards the law of torts and intellectual property law, and the protection that it offers to both authors and holders of the economic rights over software.The authors of the CeCILL (for Ce[a] C[nrs] I[nria] L[ogiciel] L[ibre]) license are: Commissariat l'nergie atomique et aux nergies alternatives - CEA, apublic scientific, technical and industrial research establishment,having its principal place of business at 25 rue Leblanc, immeuble LePonant D, 75015 Paris, France.Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique - CNRS, a public scientificand technological establishment, having its principal place of businessat 3 rue Michel-Ange, 75794 Paris cedex 16, France.Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en Automatique -Inria, a public scientific and technological establishment, having itsprincipal place of business at Domaine de Voluceau, Rocquencourt, BP105, 78153 Le Chesnay cedex, France. This subreddit is the unofficial source for people who love the Mass Effect universe including the games, books, comics, and DLC. Now, open the extracted file player.sav in HxD. Any assistance would be appreciated. Log in to view your list of favourite games. Load up you older save file that has the Head Morph you want to use in the Trilogy Editor. Our tool will automatically detect your hair. Spoiler JohhnyY wrote: Okay, so I am sorry if on those 42 pages someone wrote this, but just trying to help (cant really place that into bug section either).You cant change ME1 Thanks goes out to Karlitos for the Trilogy Editor, without that fine thing, we would be stuck with boring colors and plain faces. Article 7 - RELATED SERVICES7.1 Under no circumstances shall the Agreement oblige the Licensor toprovide technical assistance or maintenance services for the Software.However, the Licensor is entitled to offer this type of services. Idk if there a way to look into the game files and find the name that way. Open a save game in the Trilogy Save Editor. {Side Note} Unless there are new vector values that correspond to a to facial hair, it might be the 'blonde' vector value You can use the HED_Addn_Colour_02_Scalar along with the HED_Addn_Blend_Scalar to try and see if they correlate. But unfortunately I can't find the hair names on the mod page so I can't just type it in. Alyx Shepard Custom Femshep Headmorph ME3, Trilogy Save Editor at Mass Effect Legendary Edition Nexus - Mods and community (, GitHub - MassEffectModder/MassEffectModder: Mass Effect Modder (MEM), Not required, but provides a good tutorial for HeadMorph stuff, Trilogy Editor Head Morph Notes and Basic Guide. A great guide, thanks! Web1. Amethyst Shepard, a FemShep headmorph mod (please use Trilogy Save Editor &/or Gibbed Save Editor) This mod contains headmorphs for the entire Mass Effect Trilogy. I know where and how to change the hair colour, I just don't know the codes. Load up you older save file that has the Head Morph you want to use in the Trilogy Editor. Support for the 2 Mass Effect Trilogies (Original and Legendary) 100% of the saves can be edited (except ME1OT) Thousands of plot flags Bioware's plot database Import / Export head morph ), Changed dialog library, I hope it will fix `Open` dialog not opening, Added ME1LE resources (credits, grenades, medigel, salvage) and face code, Changed backend (again) with a more robust one, it will choose a supported backend on your system (Vulkan, DX11/12, etc. If you're on PC, you can easily change Shepard's hair color with this program: Trilogy save editor. Copyright 2023 Black Tree Gaming Ltd. All rights reserved. Eyes:If you want to add TIM eyes to your character for LE2/LE3, add EYE_Spec:BIOG_HMM_HED_PROMorph.IllusiveMan.HMM_HED_PROIllusiveman_Eye_SpecEYE_Diff:BIOG_HMM_HED_PROMorph.IllusiveMan.HMM_HED_PROIllusiveman_Eye_DiffIf you want more control over your eye shine or want to make your eyes exactly like TIM in LE3, you will need:EYE_Iris_Norm:BIOG_HMM_HED_PROMorph.Eye.EYE_Iris_NormEYE_Mask:BIOG_HMM_HED_PROMorph.Eye.EYE_SpecEYE_Lens_Norm:BIOG_HMM_HED_PROMorph.Eye.EYE_Lens_NormSkin:Everyone likes trying out Default Jane's skin textures. The Licensordisclaims any and all liability as regards the Licensee's use of thename of the Software. But there wouldn't be any pictures. But its going to Vector Parameters. Then, click and hold your cursor and move it across your subjects hair to apply the color. When you are satisfied, download your picture. WebThese are the textures you need to change. If that stuff about offset bones made you nervous, now you can relax.Blush Intensity:Controlled by HED_Blush_Scalar. click the "Export" button. All rights reserved. 0.000 is no blush at all. Open your current playthrough in the save editor and import the face. Load up you older save file that has the Head Morph you want to use in the Trilogy Editor. Locate and load the savegame you want to edit Each Mass Effect 2 career have its own unique directory. Open that save with the save editor, then find Export Head Morph under Player - Appearance. Eyebrows render much paler/thinner in LE2 than in LE1 or LE3, so you will need to be mindful of that difference.Hair Shine:Controlled byHAIR_Spec_Contribution_Scalar (shine) andHAIR_Shine_Desaturate_Scalar (how much coloured lights reflect). Support for the 2 Mass Effect Trilogies (Original and Legendary) 100% of the saves can be edited (except ME1OT) Thousands of plot flags. Depending on the depth of your skin colour and the blush colour you pick, you may need to decrease or increase this value. Install hundreds of mods with the click of a button. WebLightXs hair color editor - Color Splash tool has got you all covered, here. Copyright 2023 Robin Scott. God she looks so awful compared to LE2 I can't take this. Could it be possible to convert something from back then usableinto the new edition. Required to fix custom female Shepards missing glowing eyes. Open a save game in the Trilogy Save Editor. Your changes might look beautiful in stills but summonCthulhu when they animate. This software is similar to Gibbed's save editors (and forks) but adds a lot of stuff. On the right there should be the Name -> HAIR_Diff and Value -> BIOG_HMF_HIR.. etc. Will give it a try and let you know. I know where and how to change the hair colour, I just don't know the codes. 2. Install hundreds of mods with the click of a button. Adjusting the V- value is an easy way to get a lighter or darker color. Any recommendation on which value to set it to for natural-looking eyes? 5.3.2 DISTRIBUTION OF MODIFIED SOFTWAREWhen the Licensee makes a Contribution to the Software, the terms andconditions for the distribution of the resulting Modified Softwarebecome subject to all the provisions of this Agreement.The Licensee is authorized to distribute the Modified Software, insource code or object code form, provided that said distributioncomplies with all the provisions of the Agreement and is accompanied by: 1. a copy of the Agreement, 2. a notice relating to the limitation of both the Licensor's warranty and liability as set forth in Articles 8 and 9,and, in the event that only the object code of the Modified Software isredistributed, 3. a note stating the conditions of effective access to the full source code of the Modified Software for a period of at least three years from the distribution of the Modified Software, it being understood that the additional acquisition cost of the source code shall not exceed the cost of the data transfer. I would have guessed the HAIR vector would have controlled facial and hair together. Alyx Shepard Custom Femshep Headmorph ME3, Change Hairstyles and Skin tone to your liking in Trioligy save editor. R, G and B That are the RGB colour numbers that control the hair colour. {Side Note} Now, open the extracted file player.sav in HxD. The elegant, powerful, and open-source mod manager, Download and manage all your collections within Vortex, Upgrade your account to unlock all media content, To enjoy the benefits of Nexus Mods, please log in or register a new account. On the right there should be the Name -> HAIR_Diff and Value -> BIOG_HMF_HIR.. etc. Credit goes to Gibbed Remove the if you are copying and pasting. If you have not done so, download Gibbeds Mass Effect 2 Save Editor 2. EYE_Iris_Colour_Vector is eyes. especial on x/z/y stuff. In this respect, the Licensee'sattention has been drawn to the risks associated with loading, using,modifying and/or developing and reproducing the Software which arereserved for experienced users.The Licensee shall be responsible for verifying, by any or all means,the suitability of the product for its requirements, its good workingorder, and for ensuring that it shall not cause damage to either personsor properties.9.2 The Licensor hereby represents, in good faith, that it is entitledto grant all the rights over the Software (including in particular therights set forth in Article 5 <#scope>).9.3 The Licensee acknowledges that the Software is supplied "as is" bythe Licensor without any other express or tacit warranty, other thanthat provided for in Article 9.2 <#good-faith> and, in particular,without any warranty as to its commercial value, its secured, safe,innovative or relevant nature.Specifically, the Licensor does not warrant that the Software is freefrom any error, that it will operate without interruption, that it willbe compatible with the Licensee's own equipment and softwareconfiguration, nor that it will meet the Licensee's requirements.9.4 The Licensor does not either expressly or tacitly warrant that theSoftware does not infringe any third party intellectual property rightrelating to a patent, software or any other property right. 3. click the "Export" button. Keep it symmetrical. Do not change the LipCorners! So it should already be blond. The eyebrows and facial hair are kind of silver/black :/, Thank you so much! Log in to view your list of favourite games. Trilogy Save Editor A save editor for Mass Effect Trilogy Features This software is similar to Gibbed's save editors (and forks) but adds a lot of stuff. Fixed `Open / Save` dialog not showing up for some people (for real this time), Fixed `Open / Save` dialog not showing up for some people, Support for Gibbed's head morphs (.me2headmorph, .me3headmorph), Rebuilt the entire UI from scratch (from Dear Imgui / Vulkan / DX to Wasm / Web View), That means no more crashes related to wgpu / Vulkan / DX, You can now add and edit all your plots in the `Raw plot` tab (not just the labelled ones), Xbox 360 support for ME2OT and ME3 (You can convert your save by saving it with the other file extension), Added a filter in the ME1LE inventory to make it easier to find items, Better readability of ME1OT raw data (removal of all `m_` prefixes and removal of `duplicate` buttons, duplication is now auto), Added an auto update, it check once a day on the TSE repository (github) and displays a button to install the new version, Thanks again to Bioware for the quick update of their plot databases, ME2LE: Added Legendary missing data (ME1 Import Rewards), ME1LE: Added remaining data (Journal, Codex, Player, Squad, Maps, World, Mako, etc. It exactly the same as your skin tone female Shepards missing glowing eyes see how a number changes the! 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