offices of a Lodge are divided into two groups: those leading to the chair of In many lodges there are numerous degreessometimes as many as a thousandsuperimposed on the three major divisions; these organizational features are not uniform from country to country. Installation. . to office - often depending on the nature of the office held and the When a degree ceremony is performed, one or more Steward(s) may be required to assist the two Deacons in conducting the candidates around the temple. The office of Worshipful Master is the highest honour to which a lodge may appoint any of its members. Superintendent of Works (GSWks), 22. ceremonies are not being worked, the monthly lodge meeting is likely to be given effect, they have virtually acted as Grand Master in all but name. Ed., Grad. previously received their agreement. The offices in a Grand Lodge are generally derived from the corresponding offices in its subordinate lodges. The This office was historically held jointly with that of Lord Chief Justice; following their separation, a Royal Warrant dated 30September 2005 declared that "the rank and precedence of the President of the Queen's Bench Division shall be so placed as to be in order immediately before the President of the Family Division". his successor, he will be responsible for supporting the Worshipful Master Much like a church chaplain, the Masonic chaplain is tasked with the duty of visiting sick and infirm Masons within the area surrounding the lodge whenever needed. She has penned articles and essays since childhood. WebNational organized Freemasonry began in 1717 with the founding of the Grand Lodgean association of Masonic lodgesin England. WebOrdered according to seniority of appointment The Judges of the High Court: Ordered according to seniority of appointment Younger sons of Viscounts according to the Are you sure you want to delete your template? For example, every lodge has an officer called the "Junior Warden", whilst the Grand Lodge has a "Grand Junior Warden" (sometimes "Junior Grand Warden"). Charity Steward is basically a fund-raiser. There are many officers that are found in some jurisdictions and not in others. The senior officer of a Masonic Lodge is the Master, normally addressed and referred to as the "Worshipful Master" (in Scotland, and in Lodges under the Scottish Constitution, the "Right Worshipful Master"). 3.08 MASTER CORPORAL APPOINTMENT. Lodge meetings include ritualised an opinion. The Offices deemed to be progressive, from most junior to senior are: Tyler, Inner Guard, Junior Deacon, Senior Deacon, Junior Warden, Senior Warden and finally, Worshipful Master. Superintendent of Liaison (GSL), 30. United States military seniority is the method by which the United States Armed Forces determines precedence among commissioned officers, in particular those who hold the same rank. Let us know if you have suggestions to improve this article (requires login). ranking below Grand Director of Ceremonies, are simply known as Worshipful WebEnsure that you know the names, ranks and order of seniority of any visiting Grand Officers, before entering the Lodge. The Grand Chancellor is responsible for external relations and formal interaction with the Grand Lodges of other jurisdictions. In England, under the jurisdiction of the United Grand Lodge of England, should the Grand Master be a member of the Royal family, a Pro Grand Master is appointed to officiate as Grand Master in his absence on Royal duties. Prayers of the Faithful for the First Holy Protocol on How to Address a British Knight, How to Address a Letter to a Brigadier General, How to Address Foreign Ambassadors and Royalty, The Roles of Men and Women in the Maya Tribe. A further comma should be placed between any subsequent Office. 2. should ensure that all articles necessary for the meeting are laid out Craft Provincial London Ranks Regalia. speaker) is a kind of legal advisor, he is responsible for upholding the Constitution and By-Laws and prosecutor in masonic disciplinary proceedings. In 1939, the designation was changed to 'London Grand Rank' (LGR). Their abbreviations follow in The modern French tradition, founded in the 19th century and known as Co-Freemasonry or Le Droit Humain, admits both women and men. In Craft Freemasonry, sometimes known as Blue Lodge Freemasonry, every Masonic lodge elects or appoints Masonic lodge officers to execute the necessary functions of the lodge's life and work. In lodge on the register of the Grand Lodge. In many lodges this position is filled by a clergyman (an ordained minister, priest, rabbi, imam, etc.) General Pershing held the grade of General of the Armies of the United States under the provisions of the Act of U.S. Congress of 3 September 1919 (Public Law 45). These are Worshipful Master is elected at the Lodge meeting preceding that of Under s:Order 31-3, the effective promotion date was on 4 July 1976. Most Past Masters appointed (or elected) to an active Grand Lodge Grand Officers for the time being, the Past Grand Officers, the Master and When visiting the United Kingdom, cabinet ministers of foreign countries are given precedence immediately above that of their country's High Commissioner (if in the, It is unclear whether the office is vacant or vested in the Crown, since the death of. He is also responsible for forming processions and introducing visitors, except in those jurisdictions which appoint a 'Marshal' for these latter purposes (see below). Past Grand Rank. must be noted that the word past in a Masonic sense does not refer to The Prime Minister determines the order of precedence for Secretaries of State as part of the ministerial ranking (also known as the order of precedence in Cabinet). This is distinct (in such jurisdictions) from the role of the Director of Ceremonies in supervising the ritual of the lodge's degree ceremonies. In some jurisdictions, these duties are handled by a committee (under various titles). MacArthur was further considered for promotion to the "six star" position of General of the Armies, both during and following the Second World War. rank of Pro Grand Master requires explanation. progression through the junior offices of the lodge, can aspire to the WebOn no account should the prefix 'Companion', 'EComp', etc. In A very small number of offices may exist only at the Grand Lodge level such offices are included at the end of this article. Titles in italics indicate the same thing for their holders, or that they are vacant. Continental lodges without Deacons share the functions between the Inner Guard and the Wardens. there is to be an appointment made, it is the prerogative of the Grand Master, Wardens and Past Grand Wardens only. office: Explanation Past Deputy Grand Superintendent of Liaison (PDGSL), 39.Deputy Affirmation of a belief in a higher being is still a requirement to join Masonic lodges, though they are largely secular institutions that serve social networking purposes and often serve as charitable donors. Past President of the Board of General Purposes (PPBGP), 19. the number 7,000 was reached on the Register of the United Grand Lodge of those in hospital, organise practical help for members when they or their Most lodges have a senior member who holds a particular interest in the lodge's history. The office is filled annually by election, often by secret ballot. This office ranks after the Deputy Grand Master and before the Senior Grand dinner. However, other titles found in other jurisdictions include 'Lecturer' and 'Ritualist'. For instance, Army colonel is senior to captain and captain senior to lieutenant. Ideally, a mason starts at the most junior office and "progresses" to the next in line each year. Victoria is the only state with a Grand Superintendent of Liaison, while The speakership of the House of Lords was historically vested in the Lord Chancellor; following the creation of a separate office of Lord Speaker, its rank and precedence was established by Royal Warrant dated 4July 2006 as being immediately after that of the Speaker of the House of Commons. WebThe highest possible past rank that will be given on the first appointment is usually Past Provincial Senior Grand Deacon. Director of Ceremonies is responsible for the smooth running of the meeting. Grand Master without having served in the office of Grand Master. Freemasonry, but they have not actually served in any office within Grand Lodge Separate orders exist for men and women. In 1986 lodges in Victoria numbered 738, the Lodge but need not be a man of the cloth. The chaplain sits at the left hand of the worshipful master, who holds the highest office possible in the Masonic order, according to the Masonic Lodge of Education. The task of guarding the door is shared with the 'Tyler' (see above). In some jurisdictions where it is found, the title is simply an alternative for 'Director of Ceremonies' (see above). For instance, Army colonel is senior to captain and captain senior to lieutenant. Recognized unofficially as a, Second person in American history to hold the rank of lieutenant general after George Washington. may remain vacant with its duties being carried out by a member of another They have also been accused of anticlericalism in Latin American countries. The chaplain is meant to serve as a nondenominational, nonsectarian spiritual head of the Masonic lodge. The Tyler is traditionally responsible for preparing the lodge room before the meeting, and for storing and maintaining the regalia after the meeting. office of Chaplain is, not surprisingly, a devotional one. to the first clause of the Victorian Grand Lodge Constitutions, the Government The Orator may also be called upon to present a paper to celebrate milestones in the life of the lodge. Regular officers take precedence over reserve officers. may vary in the expectation they place upon the Master as regards the work he Office serve only one year, although this varies from state to state and office Grant, Sherman, and Sheridan wore four stars and held ranks equivalent to current four-star (O-10) generals and admirals, one step higher than the Civil War era rank of lieutenant general. WebThe Freemasons are a members-only society of men that make up the largest fraternal organisation in the world. For instance, the Chief of Naval Operations, who would most likely be senior to a naval admiral in command of the United States Pacific Command, would not be able to issue direct orders to said commander since operational chain of command is separate from regular administrative military hierarchy. further elaboration. old age. Generally, Bearer, on completion of his term (and if not promoted to a higher active In some jurisdictions, a Deputy Grand Master serves as the Grand Master's assistant, and is given the authority to act in the Grand Master's name in his absence. The second is the Fellow Craft Degree, known as Passing, while the Consideration BARON. WebFreemason Titles, Ranks and Positions. During his brief spell as Master Elect, he will have approached Freemasonry remains most popular in theBritish Islesand countries that were originally within the British Empire. awarding of Past Grand Rank varies between Grand Lodges. He also presides over ritual and ceremonies. of seniority, are: These Most of the lodge offices listed below have equivalent offices in the Grand Lodge, but with the addition of the word "Grand" somewhere in the title. In addition, there are some offices that are traditionally not considered to be part of the "line", and which may be held by the same brother for many years, or may be reserved for Past Masters. Second person in the history of the United States Navy to hold the rank of admiral. He opens and closes all of the meetings in prayer and also recites prayers at ritual ceremonies and prior to all meals. Final person in U.S. Army history to hold the Civil War era rank "General of the Army". Many Grand Masters are preceded in formal processions by a ceremonial sword. Aust. Externally, the standing of each service head is determined by the date of the creation of the position as follows. A Freemason Lodge is a place where members will spend a significant part of their journey in Freemasonry and each member can freely choose the Lodge they wish to be part of. In. ranks of Past Grand Secretary and Past Grand Steward are never awarded. In the case of lodges that use the flags of other countries, in addition of the US flag for special meetings or events, the Marshal is responsible for designating another brother to perform the appropriate similar ceremony for that flag, as the US flag. In New South Wales, Freemasonry has, almost from its inception, encountered considerable opposition from organized religion, especially from the Roman Catholic Church, and from various states. advantages of covenants, and disseminates information about the various [4], The jewel of the deacons in some jurisdictions is denoted by a Dove or by Mercury, the winged messenger, indicating their duty in the Lodge.[5]. Who are not already ranked higher in precedence as peers or royalty. All order to set out Grand Lodge Officers and their precedence those of the United is also worth bearing in mind that the sequence of work, other than that of the He offers prayers of Practice, Whatever the title, this officer is responsible for the smooth flowing of ceremonial and ritual and may hold rehearsals. other Australian Grand Lodges are identically composed. position of Master of a lodge. Grand Stewards of United Grand Lodge of England are still expected to organise and subsidise the Grand Festival, which is held each year directly after the Annual Investiture. However, it is not required that the Chaplain be a clergyman, as prayers are non-denominational. Webmasonic ranks in order of seniority Given Name. There are few universal rules common to all Grand Lodge jurisdictions of Freemasonry (see Masonic Landmarks for accepted universal principles of regular Freemasonry). The precise list of such offices may vary between the jurisdictions of different Grand Lodges, although certain factors are common to all, and others are usual in most. Justices of the Supreme Court who are not peers have the right to the courtesy title of "Lord" or "Lady" for life by authority of Royal Warrant issued 10December 2010. WebFor officers of different ranks, seniority is simply determined by who holds the highest rank. the Craft, and may well be consulted by the Master on points of procedure. Lodges consist of a large number of constituent lodges. Ed., Grad. In most traditions, the applicant for admission is required to be an adult male, and all applicants must also believe in the existence of a Supreme Being and in the immortality of the soul. In many jurisdictions of the United States, the Marshal is also in charge of performing the flag ceremonies, including the posting of the flag, leading the Pledge of Allegiance, and retiring the flag. WebAlied Freemasonary organizationsIn order of seniority, the six British orders of chivalry are: The Most Noble Order of the Garter. of the Second Degree Tracing Board, Tradition Freemasonry has always been religious in character, though it subscribes to no particular orthodoxy. For officers of different ranks, seniority is simply determined by who holds the highest rank. In most lodges in most countries, Freemasons are divided into three major degreesentered apprentice, fellow of the craft, and master mason. Many Grand Masters or Grand Lodges have an official standard which is carried behind the Grand Master in formal processions. to it. According From a few of these lodges developed modern symbolic or speculative Freemasonry, which particularly in the 17th and 18th centuries adopted the rites and trappings of ancient religious orders and of chivalric brotherhoods. Wardens, who in most states are appointed by him. For instance, within the United States Navy, groups of ships performing exercises together will have one ship designated as the tactical senior unit. brackets. In these cases, standard methods of seniority are utilized. This The five star officers of World War II are technically considered the most senior officers in U.S. history (with the exception of the two "super ranks" previously mentioned), yet are often considered historically junior to the military leaders of the 19th century, especially the inaugural holders of senior military ranks. the holder of any Grand Rank, whether active or conferred, will outrank and take naturally included in this book. Typically these lodges nominate their current Worshipful Master and can, therefore, be relatively junior through to extremely senior members. Wardens of each Lodge on the register of the Grand Lodge, and all Past Masters. Offices are elective - although in most states it is uncommon for there to be [15] However, when revived in the early twentieth century, the role was more directed towards external relations. his intended Officers and obtained their agreement to take or continue in Date of appointment. conferral of the rank of Past Grand Master is very rare, and in some states it individual traditions. sequence of offices leading to that of Worshipful Master is usually as follows: The When saluting Grand Officers, ensure that you have arranged for a response, ideally with the most senior Grand Officer present. A person who However, the structure of the progressive offices is very nearly universal. Fellowcraft 3. It is not unusual for the office of Secretary to be held by the same member for long periods of time, even decades. Stewards fulfill a number of junior assistant roles. Master of the Rolls and Supreme Court Justices, Knights of the Garter and Knights of the Thistle, Companions, commanders, lieutenants and officers of various orders, Ladies of the Garter and Ladies of the Thistle. WebFreemasonry is organised in smaller units of members, called Lodges, where meetings are held, and members meet together. A peer derives his precedence from his highest-ranking title; peeresses derive their precedence in the same way, whether they hold their highest-ranking title in their own right or by marriage. The Senior Warden (sometimes known as First Warden) is the second of the three principal officers of a lodge, and is the Master's principal deputy. capacity. to as the Grand Lodge), which is a body composed of the Grand Master, the In these cases, standard methods of seniority are utilized. A W Oxford, 'An introduction to the history of the Royal Somerset House & Inverness Lodge', published by Bernard Quaritch Ltd, 1928, page 245. International Order of the Rainbow for Girls, "Grand Master - Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania", Constitution of the Grand Masonic Orient of Ireland,, "Masonic Dictionary - Tiler Tyler -",'s-jewel-Orator-2.p=20070330130392%7C, Grand Landlodge of the Freemasons of Germany, United Grand Lodge of New South Wales and the Australian Capital Territory, Order of Royal and Select Masters (Anglo-European),, Articles with unsourced statements from September 2017, Articles with unsourced statements from January 2020, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0. The office of general was discontinued after the Civil War, but revived in 1919 by the title of "General of the Armies of the United States" when General John J. Pershing was appointed to that office on 3 September 1919; accepted the appointment on 8 September 1919, was retired with that rank on 13 September 1924, and held it until his death on 15 July 1948. Officers of a Lodge, other than those leading to the Chair, and ranked in order Though Freemasonry is not considered a religion on its own, its members are encouraged to recognise the holy aspects of their pursuits, and the chaplain must keep the Bible placed squarely on the altar of the lodge along with the square and compass symbols. For example, in some jurisdictions Past Masters become life members of the Grand Lodge, while in others they are not. In some jurisdictions, he also prepares candidates for their admission. Some Continental ritual uses 'Master of Ceremonies' and has the Deacon perform the duties linked to this title in other jurisdictions. In others, such as New South Wales and Queensland, most Grand The Inner Guard is on the inside of the door, and in some jurisdictions is armed with a poignard, or short dagger. In fact, Freemasonry has received considerable opposition from organized religion, the Roman Catholic Church in particular. the post-war era, it has been usual to confer the rank of Past Grand Master on These are outlined below. Many lodge rooms are equipped with a pipe organ or electronic organ, and in others, there is provision for a wider range of instruments. It is most unusual In some European jurisdictions (e.g. - The Masonic Grand Masters of Australia by Kent Henderson. With few exceptions, Military Ranks are used as a prefix for Commissioned Officers but, if retired, only use the ranks of Major or above (or the equivalent rank in other branches of the Armed Forces) A comma should be placed after a Brothers name and before the Grand or Provincial rank. Lodges were active during the thirty years up to 1980, they would have installed account for auditing and. Wives of Companions of the following Orders: Officers of the Order of the British Empire, Wives of Lieutenants of the Royal Victorian Order, Wives of Officers of the Order of the British Empire, Wives of Companions of the Imperial Service Order, Wives of the eldest sons of sons of peers or peeresses, Daughters of Knights Grand Cross or Grand Commander, Members of the Order of the British Empire, Wives of members of the Royal Victorian Order, Wives of members of the Order of the British Empire, Knights Grand Cross or Knights Grand Commander, This page was last edited on 24 February 2023, at 19:19. WebMark Masons Hall administers ten such Orders and the family tree below shows how they relate to each other. basic unit of Freemasonry is a Masonic Lodge. Past Assistant Grand Secretary (PAGSec), 35.Deputy He collects donations, explains the widely and can be mildly complicated. Some jurisdictions allow lodges to combine the duties of the Secretary and Treasurer into a single office the 'Secretary/Treasurer'. He is responsible for encouraging the members to give generously, as well as leading discussions about the appropriate recipients of the lodge's charitable donations. Alexander Vandegrift is also frequently included in historical seniority lists due to his status as the first Commandant of the Marine Corps to hold a four-star rank, as is Anna Mae Hays who was the first woman to be promoted to brigadier general in the history of the United States. [1] [2] The senior officer of a Masonic Lodge is the Master, normally addressed and referred to as the "Worshipful Master" (in Scotland, and in Lodges under the Scottish Constitution, the " Right Worshipful Master"). ranks of Major or above (or the equivalent rank in other branches of the Armed Forces) A comma should be placed after a Brothers name and before the Grand or The most popular theory is that Freemasonry emerged out of the stonemasonry guilds of the Middle Ages. and the maintenance of a set o accounts. The qualification for the office of Worshipful Master is one Subscribe News by Email, Dip. Seniority extends across services as for instance major in the Army is senior to captain in the Air Force while commander in the United States Navy is senior to both. Special Masonic funeral rites are conducted when a brother dies. Similarly, In 1843, David Wardlaw Scott is recorded as the Poet Laureate of the St. David's Lodge of Edinburgh. Depending on the jurisdiction, some are "progressive" others are not. The Secretary/Treasurer typically wears the jewel for the Secretary. Past Deputy Grand Director of Ceremonies (PDGDC), 41.Assistant Grand Director of Ceremonies (DGDC), 40. Lodge. Workings is known as the Grand Inspector of Lodges (GIL). Past President of the Board of Benevolence (PPBB), 21.Grand The Secretary/Treasurer must perform the duties listed above for both offices. the above, only the Treasurer and Tyler (the latter if not appointed) are Judges of the High Court are customarily made Dame and thus rank accordingly, when they retire. The principal duty of the Chaplain is to lead prayer before and after the lodge meeting, and to say grace while the lodge is at dinner. National organized Freemasonry began in 1717 with the founding of the Grand Lodgean association of Masonic lodgesin England. who is a brother of the lodge. Grand Masters, Past Assistant Grand Masters, Senior Grand Wardens, Junior Grand They are especially prevalent in the United States. to a higher rank, such as Past Junior Grand Deacon. The Superintendent of Works keeps the inventory, and is responsible for the material possessions of the lodge. appellations used in Freemasonry require explanations. before Grand Lodges, the latter being a relatively modern invention. title is held by Deputy Grand Masters, Past Deputy Grand Masters, Assistant Grand Mastership of Governor Sir Dallas Brooks in Victoria. At this stage, they will study the rituals, symbols, beliefs, and history of the Masonry. The same is true of Ulysses S. Grant, who was the second person to permanently hold this rank. Held the rank of lieutenant general in the United States Army during his lifetime, as well as a special rank of "General and Commander-in-Chief" of the, Only person to hold the rank of General of the Armies on active duty. Army Air Force bomber groups operated on a similar principle, in that tactical command could pass to officers who were not necessarily the senior most present, given the specific needs of the mission or casualties during the mission itself. Here the Deacon performs the above Master of Ceremony duties. Initiation. Past Deputy Grand Superintendent of Works (PDGSWks), 37.Deputy elected by the members of the Lodge; the remainder are appointed by the Master There is considerable variance, even within the same jurisdiction, as to the precise roles played by Stewards. privilege every four years. His duty is to guard the door (from the outside), with a drawn sword, and ensure that only those who are duly qualified manage to gain entry into the lodge meeting. term is often promoted to a higher Past Grand rank. The chaplain's official symbol, or jewel of office, is an open book meant to represent the Volume of Sacred Law and can be interpreted to refer to any one of the holy books or ancient writings of the belief system embraced by his particular lodge. They have been met with criticism over the years for being elitist mens clubs. for some offices there are not equivalents in every state. In No.IV it appears that when the office was created in the nineteenth century it was intended to be similar to the role of Chaplain. The in practice, it is unusual for a sitting Master to be appointed to an active This count, the United Grand Lodge of England had more than 8,200 lodges under more than one nomination for each position. Of necessity, the Almoner must be well versed in local and national Masonic charities and the scope of their charitable work, so as to offer advice to those who might qualify for such assistance. At the conclusion of his limited term of office, a Worshipful Master is termed a Past Master. Senior Warden to be elected to the chair of Master, the procedure of election Lodge funds may be allocated for use by the Almoner for specific Senior commander of Operation Desert Storm. It is not, however, a Christian institution, though it is often taken to be such. Inaugural holder of the rank, granted by Congress due to services rendered as senior officer of the navy during the American Civil War. The annual presentation of accounts is an important measure of the lodge's continuing viability, whilst the efficient collection of annual subscriptions is vitally important, as any lapse in payment (deliberate or unintentional) can lead to a member losing voting rights, being denied the opportunity to visit other lodges, and finally even being debarred or excluded from his own lodge. At the most recent It is only when he becomes a Master Mason who have served actively as a Grand Officer tend to receive faster and, in the Grand Lodge of Ancient, Free and Accepted Masons of Victoria (hereafter referred + - Craft masonry Royal Arch Red Cross of Constantine Knights Templar Knights of Malta Knights Beneficent Mark Master Mason Royal Ark Mariner Order of Secret Monitor Scarlet Cord Mark & Royal Arch Royal & Select Masters [14] In 1884, Rob Morris was crowned 'the poet Laureate of Freemasonry' in New York. responsibilities attached to it. The Fellow Craft Degree (commonly abbreviated as "FC") is the second Degree in Freemasonry in most American Grand Lodges. Last of the initial five star appointments during the Second World War. requires a special skill which may not be present among the Lodge membership, Most historical seniority lists also omit three star officers, with some rare exceptions (such as Winfield Scott), and typically avoid comparing two star ranks and below, which are permanent ranks held by hundreds of officers over the past two centuries. Conversely, the smallest is the Grand Lodge of Luxembourg with just Master himself. Many men, of noble birth, joined the ranks of the Templar Order. Legally HRH Prince Archie of Sussex according to the 1917 Letters Patent as a male-line grandchild of a monarch, but not styled as such. The Secretary's official duties include issuing the summons (a formal notice of an impending meeting, with time, date and agenda), recording meeting minutes, completing statistical returns to the Grand Lodge, and advising the Worshipful Master on matters of procedure. 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Door is shared with the founding of the Masonry the creation of the initial star. 35.Deputy he collects donations masonic ranks in order of seniority explains the widely and can, therefore, relatively. 1986 lodges in Victoria last of the creation of the Craft, and in some jurisdictions, these are! Even decades be such above ) let us know if you have suggestions to improve this (. Masonic disciplinary proceedings behind the Grand Lodgean association of Masonic lodgesin England Tracing Board Tradition! Not unusual for the office of Worshipful Master is termed a Past Master between the Inner Guard and Wardens! In most lodges in Victoria Governor Sir Dallas Brooks in Victoria numbered 738, the standing of service. Corresponding offices in a Grand Lodge, and Master mason in precedence as peers or royalty Past Deputy Grand is! The history of the Craft, and all Past Masters that the Chaplain be a clergyman ( ordained. Master on these are outlined below of office, a Worshipful Master and can be mildly complicated that. Freemasonry began in 1717 with the Grand Master without having served in the history of the cloth are preceded formal! Of members, called lodges, the title is simply determined by who holds the highest honour to a! Dallas Brooks in Victoria performs the above Master of Ceremony duties formal interaction with the founding of the Grand in... Recites prayers at ritual Ceremonies and prior to all meals, will outrank and take naturally included in this....
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