how to collapse a cestui que vie trust

Peter's Pence - 1100's France This account contains millions of dollars in your name. The Birth Certificate is the governments self-created document of title for its new property, i.e. The Treasury uses the loan to purchase a bond (the Fed holds a purchase money security interest in the bond) from the Department of Commerce, which invests the sale proceeds in the stock or bond market. Wow! The temple bar is in London, every lawyer called to the bar swears allegiance to the temple bar. Merriam Websters Dictionary of Law (1996). Banks and Utility Companies have direct access into these CESTUI QUE VIE Trusts and all they needed was your name; social security number and signature., [Again, if the system was designed to honor trust law, the aforementioned techniques would work every time. (iii) The third Act outlining the operation of Cestui Que Vie only hidden this time asEstatePur Autre Vie was in 1741 under14Geo.2 c.20) whereby one who was knowledgeable of the Cestui Que Vie slavery system could between the ages of 18 to 20, seek to recover suchpropertyunder Cestui Que Vie and cease to be a slave. Or is this meant for UK residents. So where you have commerce and money, you also have justice and injury. Understanding Cestui Que Vie Act 1666 Existence ofLife, Top 12 Steps to Reclaim Your Estate Birthright Citizenship vs Corporate Slave Citizenship, Learn More at The American States Assemblies, ABOUT "FORECLOSURE" -- A SIMPLE PLAN TO GET THE UPPER HAND, "Accept For Value" (A4v) U.C.C. Then there is Mercantile Law. The So-called federal Government Is The Mother Corporation Surety. About Us This traces back to 1666, London is an Independent, City, State, just like Vatican is an Independent City State, just like Washington, DC is an Independent City State. Heroic, and courageous knowledgeable Patriots have secured we must go through a process of reclaming our nationality, having a nationality ties you to the land as your god giving estate and your natural birthright. December 2017 Gun Control I know a declaration on deed will loose Our money on earth (Matthew 16:19). created during the reign of Charles II of England through the Cestui Que Vie Act of 1666 wherein an Estate may be effected for the Benefit of a Person presumed lost or abandoned at "sea" and therefore assumed "dead" after seven (7) years. Games are played on courts, hence the name court. December 2020 But what if we encounter someone who is unwilling to act honorably? beneficiary of a trust. A Sample WORKING Declaration The state (London) took custody of everybody and their property into a trust. Despite these sobering points, there is hope. The 3rd form of law is Talmudic and Roman Cult law is effective because of the 3rd Cestui Que Vie Trust of Baptism. Email serves as the fastest, most preferred and best form of communication with Team A.W.A.R.E. Once a state has registered a birth document with the U.S. Department of Commerce, the Department notifies the Treasury Department, which takes out a loan from the Federal Reserve. However, the same act made law that after 20 years, theremedyfor such recovery was no longer available, despite thefactthat the existence of Cestui Que Vie Trusts is denied and Westminster and Banks are sworn to lie, obstruct, hide at all cost the existence of the foundations of global banking slavery. Actions Article 100-Cestui Que Vie Trust Canon 1283 A Cestui Que Vie Trust is a fictional concept, first. Thank you. In the public, were operating in bankruptcy and you receive benefits. Our only way out is to reclaim your dead entity (strawman) that the Crown created, become the executor and then collapse the called Cestui Que Vie trust and forgive yourself of your debts and then remove yourself from the admiralty law that holds you in custody. Intermsof the evidential history of the operation and anyformofrelieforremedyassociated with Cestui Que Vie Trusts, taking into account all Statutes referencing Cestui Que Vie prior to 1540 are a deliberate fraud andproofof the illegitimacy of Westminster Statutes: (i) The first Act outlining Cestui Que (Vie) Trusts is deliberately hidden under the claimed statutes of the reign of King Richard III in 1483 (1Rich.3 c.1) whereby the act (still in force) states that all conveyances and transfers and use ofpropertyisgood, even though apurchasermay be unaware it is effectively under cestui que use (subject to a Cestui Que VieTrust). There is plenty of Municipal Cestui Que Vie Trusts Of Human Ownership Read More Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Janet Yellen in her private capacity (Back then operating in Admiralty law, the law of the sea, so lost at sea). At your Arraignment or Trial, the Judge will ask you if you are the named individual [ALL CAPS BIRTH NAME] on the complaint and your natural response will be to answer in the affirmative but that is exactly what you dont want to do! Related The Underworld Death Dealing Practices Of The Elite | Birth, Marriage and Death Estate Are Seized and Traded By The Government. Court Actions This traces back to 1666, London is an Independent, City, State, just like Vatican is an Independent City State, just like Washington, DC is an Independent City State. 12, c. 4, s. 4; vide Vin. In addition, I demand the bond be immediately brought forward so I can see who will indemnify me if I am damaged. cestui que trust an archaic term in English law for the beneficiary under a trust. Hi All - Many of you have heard me mention the Federal Government Birth Certificate Trust that is created on all of you at birth which is the Cestui Que Vie Trusts that the Territorial Federal Government and Vatican created and owns. Casetext, Inc. and Casetext are not a law firm and do not provide legal advice. The state even owns your personal and private life through your STATE-issued marriage license/certificate issued in the all-caps names. Karen Hudes I accept on proof of claim and proof of loss. UCC 1 . A Cestui Que (Vie) Trust may only exist for seventy (70) years being the traditional accepted "life" expectancy of the estate. Yes, United States v: United States of America, Reclaim Your Estate Birthright Citizenship vs Corporate Slave Citizenship, Energetic Parasite Intervention Support Sessions, Alpha Omega World Development Marshall Programme, still operating under the Reconstruction Acts and trying to pretend that we are unknown babies found on a battlefield by the UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE which is obligated to then issue. Glory Private | Legal vs. Lawful | Matter vs Spirit | Debit vs. Credit | Legal Title vs. Canon 2056 Given the private secret trusts of the private central banks are created on false presumptions, when a man or woman makes clear their Live Born Record and claim over their own name, body, mind and soul, any such trust based on such false presumptions ceases to have any property. The system requires compliance and ignorance in order to suppress the rights of the people and maintain the illusion of justice. (This is the unfortunate, corrupt reality that our peaceful, law abiding communities are dealing with in the court system today), YOU (THE LIVING MAN/WOMAN) = BENEFICIARY of the CQV Trust, (Both Judge & Clerk must follow YOUR instructions for discharge / dismissal as YOU are the Executor of the trial and Beneficiary of the CQV trust.). It was our right to property (via Birth into this world), our body (via the Live Birth Record), and our souls (via Baptism). But instead of returning all the Cestui Que Vie ESTATE trust assets owed to the living people, Bill Clinton signs Executive Order #13037, stepping up the conscription process, and again, pretending that nobody knows who these accounts belong to, hoping to seize upon all our property including our names via a claim on abandonment. Corporations Are Not Governments T R E A S O N !! ABOUT "FORECLOSURE" -- A SIMPLE PLAN TO GET THE UPPER HAND\u0026SID_VALUE_ID=14+200357+G+086\u0026submit=QuoteThere MAY Be Another Way Around This LoCKeD Website.. ANY IDEAS..?? There are countless scores of knowledgeable people that follow the rules and procedures within the system, hoping to gain remedy and reclaim their status as sovereign individuals, but in most cases the system ignores valid claims and honorable arguments. Pontiff's War-mongering Many in the alternative research do not fully grasp it either & many practicing common law do not either, don't get led astray. 2: one who promises to answer for the debt or default of another. There Are No States . Wake Up Parents are tricked into registering the birth of their babies. Canon 2057 Any Administrator or Executor that refuses to immediately dissolve a Cestui Que (Vie)Trust, upon a Person establishing their status and competency, is guilty of fraud and fundamental breach of their fiduciary duties requiring their immediate removal and punishment. Finding the Courage, Horowitz: We must stop the feds from tracking immunization status and imposing medical apartheid, How the Powerful Captured the Public in a Pandemic. This was done during a crisis. Anna Von Reitz Overstanding Cestui Que Vie Act 1666 Existence of Life. This common sense policy has been called the golden rule of law, and it is the foundation of every system of justice on Earth; including the defunct ones that now run rampant. * I am the Authorized Administrator and Executor of the CESTA QUE TRUST created under the all caps name ROBERT Q EVANS. (v) In 1837 (1 Vict. Bar Members Only theCorporation, also known asBody Corporate,EstateandTrustCorpus of a Cestui Que (Vie)Trustpossessesvalidlegal personality. . The temple bar is in London, every lawyer called to the bar swears allegiance to the temple bar. When we were born, a trust, called a Cestui Que Vie Trust (CQV) was set-up, for our benefit. Unsecured Debts Trusts are created only upon the conveyance of property . The Crown is an unincorporated association. De Facto Governance It is un-rebutted, precept by precept, and shall become judgment upon the record A foundling hospital was originally an institution for the reception of foundlings, i.e., children who had been abandoned or exposed, and left for the public to find and save. What is the remedy? While the system is dishonorable, it requires honorable actions to correct as we by our very deeds become the better way.]. When a Birth Certificate is registered with the U.S. Department of Commerce, it means that the all-caps legal person named thereon has become a surety or guarantor, a condition and obligation that is automatically and unwittingly assumed unless you rebut the presumption by effectively noticing them: It aint me.. Overcome Court Corruption A declaration is the key (I AM).Canon Law 1303 says the trust must dissolve but it didnt say how long it would take. Advertising: Tailor information and advertising to your interests based on e.g. January 2019 We got confirmation that it was delivered and picked up from the Treasury. The state became the trustee/husband holding all titles to the people and property, until a living man comes back to reclaim those titles, he can also claim damages. 1. convey the beneficial entitlements of the child, as Beneficiary, into the 1st Cestui Que (Vie) Trust in the form of a Registry Number by registering the Name, thereby also creating the Corporate Person and denying the child any rights to Real Property; and, 2. claim the baby as chattel to the Estate. 1666 CHAPTER 11 18 and 19 Cha 2. But they dont because the people in these roles dishonor the trust. However you need to do the work yourself to extradite yourself from the system, others can not do it for you, & you would be foolish to let them. Related Biometric Data Harvesting At Birth | Did You Know You Also Have a Uniform Birth Number? How To Collapse A Cestui Que Vie Trust Pdf, Quantum Qhm8000 Sound Card Driver Download Windows 7, Fundamentals Of Anatomy And Physiology Frederic Martini Pdf, : Disable Adobe Genuine Software Integrity Service 2019. We have accepted the claim to accept the summons, yet ONLY the dead can be summoned. JAMES WILBER SMITH. MUST READ! In most cases dishonorable legislation such as the Patriot Act, would have never been enacted if the people were fully aware of all the facts; full disclosure and transparency. Common Law Vs Admiralty Law New To This Information? We simply share Patricks information, documents, audios, calls, and files. Social Security 1: a formal engagement (as a pledge) given for the fulfillment of an undertaking. Prosecutor & I do not consent to being surety for these proceedings. you, reclaims/redeems it by becoming the holder in due course of the instrument., And this pic shows a REGISTRATION of a Record of Birth, which would tend to support the claims about the BC in the above article. The Trust Corpus created by a Cestui Que (Vie) is also known as the Estate from two Latin words e+statuo literally meaning "by virtue of decree, statute or judgment". The foxes are indeed guarding the hen houses of America, a circumstance that again requires awareness and action by the body politic to resolve. As I have explained, the organizations we are dealing with are governmental services corporations- not our lawful government. The Real Dejure Republic Exists This dutch site also explains the complete process plus gives all the docs you need to claim back your alive status. When I refused I was bluntly told by two menacing interns and a Catholic Nun that I either signed or my son would be kept in State custody and I would not be allowed to take him home. Lawful Money Vs Legal Tender The onlyremedyunder this act was if awarddemonstrated the waste of the lord as to theproperty(and energy) seized from the poor (ignorant white slaves); and. Evidence of this is the birth certificate. "Natural law is both anterior and superior to positive law" Oxford Law Dictionary, 'gumshoe sleuth' on YouTube is very good if you want to pick up some workable info, his language can be a bit colourful so he is not for the easily offended! August 2017 There was and is no possible excuse for the way I and millions of other American women are treated and the extortion used to secure an inequitable, involuntary, and unconscionable public commercial interest in our babies as a chattel properties being bonded and used as collateral to finance the public debt of these private governmental services corporations pretending to be the American government. This is when a defensive action can be taken to ensure we are not harmed, but we must also ensure that this action does not cause harm in return. All this information relates to how the general public are still legally tied through Maritime Admiralty Law. Credit Repair NATF Otherwise you are just an empty vessel floating on the sea of commerce. Upon the promissory note reaching maturity and the bank being unable to "seize" the slave child, a maritime lien is lawfully issued to "salvage" the lost property and itself monetized as currency issued in series against the Cestui Que (Vie) Trust. Taxes And The Crown In doing so they recognize the fundamental interconnectedness of all things, and that ultimately love, compassion and empathy are essential to settling disputes with other sovereign beings. Thus, this post is not written by the A.W.A.R.E Authors. Canon Law 1303 says the trust must dissolve but it didnt say how long it would take. Enforcing The Law Of The Land They are writing to the dead legal fiction. Land And Soil Jurisdiction 1. convey the beneficial entitlements of the child, as Beneficiary, into the 1st Cestui Que (Vie) Trust in the form of a Registry Number by registering the Name, thereby also creating the Corporate Person and denying the child any rights to Real Property; and, 2. claim the baby as chattel to the Estate. These are the legal entity/fiction created and owned by the Government whom created it. Rebellion Against The True God is bound to execute them: he may defend his title in the name of the trustee. As the owners of this site, we have the right to enforce any policies and terms we feel necessary. just as ships are given berth Certificates at the Dock. Record alone is all thats needed to prove that the birth happened, as long as its certified (stamped and signed by a proper officer of a State), Evidence of this is the birth certificate. The misuse and abuse of birth certificates and their misrepresentation as voluntary private contracts has led to the literal enslavement of hundreds of millions of people worldwide almost a hundred years after slavery was universally outlawed. Otherwise you are just an empty vessel floating on the sea of commerce. Almost all of these corporate businesses double dip and hope that you have been conditioned well enough by their Credit Scams, to pay them a second time. e.g. Thus, if land is granted to A, for the use of B while in trust, with remainder to C when the trust terminates, A is the trustee, B is cestui que use, and C the cestui que trust. State Of The Nation! No Problem! The legal fiction is a construct on paper, an estate in trust. When CAPITAL letters are used anywhere in a name this always refers to a legal entity/fiction, Company or Corporation no exceptions. The CESTUI QUE VIE Trust is an account you inherited due to the bankruptcy of the U.S. in 1933 and the subsequent ceasing of all the citizens gold, silver and other assets as collateral. This is not a lawful record of your physical birth, but rather the birth of the juristic, all-caps name. Therefore, the only logical conclusion to draw is that there is in fact NO JUSTICE, NO RULE OF LAW and NO REMEDY for the people. Very good but how do we reclaim our trust back to a live man. In about 1837, the Births, Deaths and Marriages act was formed in UK and the post of registrar general was established. In about 1837, the Births, Deaths and Marriages act was formed in UK and the post of registrar general was established. Great article! The Treasury Department then issues Treasury securities in the form of Treasury Bonds, Notes, and Bills using the bonds as surety for the new securities. This cycle is based on the future tax revenues of the legal person whose name appears on the Birth Certificate. Keith Knight Look at the symbols in your City Courts that relate to Admiralty. This device is initiated simply by converting the lawful, true name of the child into a legal, juristic name of a person. Social Credit Enslavement created, become the executor and then collapse the called Cestui Que Vie trust and forgive yourself of your debts and then remove yourself from the admiralty law that holds you in custody. This also means that the bankrupt, corporate U.S. can guarantee to the purchasers of their securities the lifetime labor and tax revenues of every citizen of the United States/American with a Birth Certificate as collateral for payment. June 2018 Its about commerce. UCC 1 Debt Elimination He for whose benefit another person is enfeoffed or seised of land or tenements, or is possessed of personal property. 321, note 1; Bouv. just FYI, I was not aware of the org At best it is a summary justice system, a type of fast-food justice that offers the same deleterious effects on society as processed food has on health. 14; Dane's Ab. March 2019 A court, judge, or trustee that ignores the truth, by their very actions demonstrates the status of incompetency, negligence and lack of standing to hold the position they claim to represent. 1) an old fashioned expression for the beneficiary of a trust. People need to learn how to act as a creation of God rather than a creation of Man. Are created Only upon the conveyance of property promises to answer for the under. Owns your personal and private life through your STATE-issued Marriage license/certificate issued in the all-caps names, and... 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