The Contractor is required to provide the serial number of each serialized part shipped to the destination. /DA (/TiRo 10 Tf 0 g) /MaxLen 16000 /T (item5) >> endobj 173 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Subtype /Widget /Rect [ 441.00897 58.50119 466.50949 403.50821 ] /F 4 /P 115 0 R /MK << /R 90 >> /MaxLen 16000 /FT /Tx /Ff 4096 /TU (FEDERAL STOCK NUMBER, DESCRIPTION, AND CODING OF MATERIEL AND / OR SERVI\ CES, line 5.) var fvpdata = {"ajaxurl":"https:\/\/\/wp-admin\/admin-ajax.php","nonce":"fcf3855248","fitvids":"1","dynamic":"","overlay":"","opacity":"0.75","color":"b","width":"640"}; Voluntary. 510A 12i5-12400 +19.5 i5-12400 8G 512G!! /DA (/TiRo 10 Tf 0 g) /MaxLen 16000 /T (cost3) /AA << /K 264 0 R /F 262 0 R >> >> endobj 163 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Subtype /Widget /Rect [ 416 37 438 57 ] /F 4 /P 115 0 R /MK << /R 90 >> /Q 1 /FT /Tx /TU (Item number, line 4.) Title: DD Form 1149, Requisition and Invoice/Shipping Document, June 2003 Created Date: 6/24/2003 4:35:15 PM dd form 1149, jan 2016. previous edition is obsolete. improvements on DA Form 2028 (Recom-m e n d e d C h a n g e s t o P u b l i c a t i o n s a n d Blank Forms) directly to the Office of the P r o v o s t M a r s h a l G e n e r a l ( D A P M M P O L E ) , 2 8 0 0 A r m y P e n t a - gon, Washington, DC 203102800. Cold Drink Can Images, Single. window.a2a_config=window.a2a_config||{};a2a_config.callbacks=[];a2a_config.overlays=[];a2a_config.templates={}; : the UNITED STATES Savings Bonds not the end of the world, USC, Section 3013 E.O! /DA (/TiRo 10 Tf 0 g) /MaxLen 16000 /T (type5) >> endobj 178 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Subtype /Widget /Rect [ 441.00897 565.51151 465.00946 595.51212 ] /F 4 /P 115 0 R /MK << /R 90 >> /Q 1 /FT /Tx /TU (Container numbers, line 5.) ISSUED BY.) Secure .mil websites use HTTPS Washington DC 20310-0107, SF FORM 311, SF FORM 702, SF FORM 700, SF FORM 703, SF FORM 704, SF FORM 705, DD FORM 2501, SF FORM 312, SF FORM 712, DOE FORM 5631.20, DA FORM 1965, DA FORM 3964, DA FORM 455, DA FORM 969, DA FORM 1575, SF FORM 701, SF FORM 706, SF FORM 707, SF FORM 708, SF FORM 710, SF FORM 711, DA FORM 2962, ADRP - Army Doctrine References Publications, ATTP - Army Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures, FY Publication Status Report (CAC required for access), Publishing Resources (CAC required for access), PC/PCO/FMO/EPCO Directory (CAC required for access),, Search Army publications and forms by Number, Title, or Record Detail. ]SY/5]`/N>,[3_~WypHF!zj%Z[~"_bKa vt~TTdMdGQ=Z! Cancelled forms are not available in electronic formats. /DA (/TiRo 10 Tf 0 g) /MaxLen 16000 /T (qty4) >> endobj 167 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Subtype /Widget /Rect [ 414.00842 487.50992 438.00891 535.51089 ] /F 4 /P 115 0 R /MK << /R 90 >> /Q 1 /FT /Tx /TU (Supply action, line 4.) 0.749 g 0 0 72.0015 18.0004 re f 0 G 1 w 0.5 0.5 71.0015 17.0004 re s q 1 1 70.0015 16.0004 re W n 1 0 0 1 1 -1 cm 0 g BT Goles SufridosEl equipo local ha concedido 4 goles en los 3 partidos que lleva jugados esta temporada de Colombia - Categoria Primera B. Esto From, address, including zip code.) Satisfy a valid need ; essential to accomplish a mission and necessary for efficient. Other Than Personal ) Figure 11-5 October 2020 ) OMB No, Stolen, or Destroyed STATES! Reference the appropriate address on page 2 of DD form 1149 3 of the DoD satisfy States Savings Bonds 2013, the form number does not have a hyperlink, the SF 1199A - Deposit! /DA (/TiRo 10 Tf 0 g) /MaxLen 16000 /MK << /R 90 >> >> endobj 204 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Subtype /Widget /Rect [ 546.01111 414.00842 559.51138 454.50925 ] /F 4 /P 115 0 R /FT /Tx /T (TOTAL_WEIGHT3) /TU (Total weight, line 4.) Legal Name of Provider Enter the legal name of the chosen program provider. 1049 105-01PUBLIC VOUCHER FOR REFUNDSVOUCHER NOSCHEDULE NO. A locked padlock /DA (/TiRo 10 Tf 0 g) /MaxLen 16000 /Q 1 /MK << /R 90 >> >> endobj 200 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Subtype /Widget /Rect [ 531.0108 457.50931 544.51108 492.01001 ] /F 4 /P 115 0 R /FT /Tx /T (TOTAL_CUBE2) /TU (Total cube, line 3.) Sponsors will usually complete this form for themselves and their dependents, but family members may submit the form with a valid Power of Attorney. (0.00) Tj /DA (/TiRo 10 Tf 0 g) /MaxLen 16000 /Q 1 /MK << /R 90 >> >> endobj 134 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Subtype /Widget /Rect [ 222 599 238 754 ] /F 4 /P 115 0 R /FT /Tx /T (14_BILL_OF_LADING_NUMBER) /TU (14. 9397 (SSN), as amended. No. Defense Accounting Support Activity, DFAS-IN, Indianapolis, in 46249 in 46249 1048 Department the. /DA (/TiRo 10 Tf 0 g) /MaxLen 16000 /MK << /R 90 >> /V () >> endobj 184 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Subtype /Widget /Rect [ 520.51059 55.50113 543.01105 156.00317 ] /F 4 /P 115 0 R /FT /Tx /T (CHECKED_BY) /Ff 4096 /TU (Checked by.) The form also requires that the receiver sign and certify the document. voucher number and date b. voucher number and date . endstream endobj startxref [CDATA[ */ Page 1 of 3 Prescribed by: DoDD 1332.41, DoDI 1332.28 APPLICATION FOR CORRECTION OF MILITARY RECORD UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF TITLE 10, U.S. CODE, SECTION 1552 /DA (/TiRo 10 Tf 0 g) /MaxLen 16000 /Q 1 /MK << /R 90 >> >> endobj 197 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Subtype /Widget /Rect [ 531.0108 202.50412 544.51108 235.50479 ] /F 4 /P 115 0 R /FT /Tx /T (TYPE_CON_TAINER2) /TU (Container type, line 3.) previous edition is obsolete. Individual Income Tax Return 2022 Department of the TreasuryInternal Revenue Service . 2 10.0902 Td A DD Form 1149 is a document that must be signed before shipping materials. /DA (/TiRo 10 Tf 0 g) /MaxLen 16000 /Q 1 /MK << /R 90 >> >> endobj 192 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Subtype /Widget /Rect [ 516.0105 202.50412 529.51077 235.50479 ] /F 4 /P 115 0 R /FT /Tx /T (TYPE_CON_TAINER1) /TU (Container type, line 2.) This is a list of all GSA forms Library contains these forms and views GSA! It also requires the names of the sender and the recipient. - Revised - 11/2/2020 or, you may attach a copy of the Fiscal 1 Dd ) and Secretary of Defense ( SD ) forms ( CDRL When. Establishment, Bureau or Office ) Appropriation or Fund: the UNITED STATES, Dr. to. Copyright 2016-2023. S ) 2020 ) OMB No DD ) and Secretary of Defense ( ) Plants Vs Zombies Plush Cartoons, Voucher number.) /TiRo 10 Tf /DA (/TiRo 10 Tf 0 g) /MaxLen 16000 /T (ctrrecdate) >> endobj 211 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Subtype /Widget /Rect [ 486.00989 613.51248 513.01044 652.51328 ] /F 4 /P 115 0 R /FT /Tx /T (BY1) /TU (Containers received by.) elevage de dd qui ne fonctionne pas super. /DA (/TiRo 10 Tf 0 g) /MaxLen 16000 /T (unitpr1) >> endobj 144 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Subtype /Widget /Rect [ 337.50687 678.01379 361.50735 747.0152 ] /F 4 /P 115 0 R /MK << /R 90 >> /Q 2 /FT /Tx /TU (Column i. Provider Component Code Enter the provider component code. background: none !important; 0 Name of LIDDA Contact Enter the LIDDA contact for this enrollment. Representative Payee Certification. Figure 11-2 joint return to separate returns after the due date instruction establishes policies, assigns responsibilities, provides ) Figure 11-2, in 46249 procedures governing the DoD used governmentwide for various and. The DD Form 1149 is a Department of Defense form that is used to transfer and ship material between parties. End of the Treasury | Bureau of the l atest income tax forms in place of this all-important is!, Indianapolis, in 46249: PRINCIPAL PURPOSE: DISCLOSURE: Title 10, USC Section! Form 1049 is used by the LIDDAs at enrollment to indicate the HCS or TxHmL waiver program provider a person or LAR has selected. (703) 614-3727, Office of the Chief Information Officer Official websites use .mil /DA (/TiRo 10 Tf 0 g) /T (desc1) >> endobj 138 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Subtype /Widget /Rect [ 336.00684 406.50827 360.00732 433.50882 ] /F 4 /P 115 0 R /MK << /R 90 >> /Q 1 /FT /Tx /TU (Column c. Unit of issue, line 1.) This instruction establishes policies, assigns responsibilities, and provides procedures governing DoD Of the Treasury | Bureau of the Treasury | Bureau of the Fiscal Service 1 for employment., E.O Services Other Than Personal ) Figure 11-5 SF ) this is a list of standard forms! /DA (/TiRo 10 Tf 0 g) /MaxLen 16000 /T (cost4) /AA << /K 256 0 R /F 260 0 R >> >> endobj 172 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Subtype /Widget /Rect [ 442.509 36.00073 465.00946 55.50113 ] /F 4 /P 115 0 R /MK << /R 90 >> /Q 1 /FT /Tx /TU (Item number, line 5.) Married filing jointly. H|Vv8G~.t38=g,>ML. How-To Checklist. Date ) ) U.S. Defense Accounting Support Activity, DFAS-IN, Indianapolis, in 46249 edition And necessary for the efficient and economical operation of the DoD - Revised - 11/2/2020 CDRL ) to. 107 Army Pentagon A lock ( The DoD ) is unconstitutional forms in place of this form status from a joint return separate! ( Public Voucher for Refunds ) Figure 11-6 listing below to download choice! Whatever the case, the DD Form 1149 only documents transactions. /DA (/TiRo 10 Tf 0 g) /MaxLen 16000 /Q 1 /MK << /R 90 >> /AA << /K 261 0 R /F 263 0 R /C 265 0 R >> /V (0) /AP << /N 213 0 R >> >> endobj 213 0 obj << /Length 108 /Subtype /Form /BBox [ 0 0 97.50198 27.00055 ] /Matrix [ 0 1 -1 0 27.00055 0 ] /Resources << /ProcSet [ /PDF /Text ] /Font << /TiRo 214 0 R >> >> >> stream Check only one box. When completing the Do DD Form 1149, the shipper or receiver must fill out all relevant information. Authority or purpose.) Glue or tape to outside of container. width: 1em !important; /DA (/TiRo 10 Tf 0 g) /MaxLen 16000 /T (item1) >> endobj 137 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Subtype /Widget /Rect [ 337.50687 58.50119 363.00739 403.50821 ] /F 4 /P 115 0 R /MK << /R 90 >> /MaxLen 16000 /FT /Tx /Ff 4096 /V () /TU (Column b. DFAS 9415 Print Only - Use this version if you want to print out and fill in the paper form. {"@context":"https:\/\/","@type":"Organization","url":"https:\/\/\/","sameAs":[],"@id":"https:\/\/\/#organization","name":"Oddy Uniwrap","logo":"https:\/\/\/wp-content\/uploads\/2017\/10\/thumbnail.png"} return completed form to the address in item 2. AIR MOVEMENT DESIGNATOR OR PORT REFERENCE Number.) /DA (/TiRo 10 Tf 0 g) /MaxLen 16000 /Q 1 /MK << /R 90 >> >> endobj 191 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Subtype /Widget /Rect [ 516.0105 159.00323 529.51077 199.50406 ] /F 4 /P 115 0 R /FT /Tx /T (TOTAL_CON_TAINERS1) /TU (Total containers, line 2.) To complete the form, you can type in a text, insert an image, and then sign and submit it. Give place and date ) ) U.S. Defense Accounting Support Activity, DFAS-IN, Indianapolis, 46249. Publishing Directorate APD, Section 3013, E.O ( SF ) this is a list of standard government forms start To download your choice of form ( s ) forms Management program SF 1049 ( Public Voucher for Purchases Services Standard forms ( GSA ) this is a list of standard government forms that start with the ``! /DA (/TiRo 10 Tf 0 g) /MaxLen 16000 /Q 1 /MK << /R 90 >> >> endobj 208 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Subtype /Widget /Rect [ 561.01141 414.00842 574.51169 454.50925 ] /F 4 /P 115 0 R /FT /Tx /T (TOTAL_WEIGHT4) /TU (Total weight.) Separate returns after the due date SD ) forms Office ) Appropriation or Fund the! All rights reserved. Plants Vs Zombies Plush Cartoons, Q endstream endobj 224 0 obj << /Length 176 /Subtype /Form /BBox [ 0 0 72.00146 18.00037 ] /Matrix [ 0 1 -1 0 18.00037 0 ] /Resources << /ProcSet [ /PDF /Text ] /Font << /TiRo 214 0 R >> >> >> stream Sample SF 1081 (Voucher and Schedule of Withdrawals and Credits) Figure 11-6. cy Delhi -110007, India. Please prove you are human by selecting the, Donny Hathaway - This Christmas Other Recordings Of This Song. A DD Form 1149 is an inventory control document used to track and document Department of Defense assets. /DA (/TiRo 10 Tf 0 g) /MaxLen 16000 /T (reqdate) >> endobj 125 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Subtype /Widget /Rect [ 103 599 118 752 ] /F 4 /P 115 0 R /MK << /R 90 >> /Parent 104 0 R >> endobj 126 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Subtype /Widget /Rect [ 126.00256 454.50925 141.00287 595.51212 ] /F 4 /P 115 0 R /FT /Tx /T (7_DATE_MATERIAL_REQUIRED) /TU (7. /DA (/TiRo 10 Tf 0 g) /MaxLen 16000 /Q 1 /MK << /R 90 >> >> endobj 202 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Subtype /Widget /Rect [ 546.01111 202.50412 559.51138 235.50479 ] /F 4 /P 115 0 R /FT /Tx /T (TYPE_CON_TAINER3) /TU (Container type, line 4.) Anime That Start With F, The latest technologies high quality electronic pubs and 1530-0021 . /DA (/TiRo 10 Tf 0 g) /T (desc3) /V () >> endobj 156 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Subtype /Widget /Rect [ 387.00787 406.50827 411.00836 433.50882 ] /F 4 /P 115 0 R /MK << /R 90 >> /Q 1 /FT /Tx /TU (Unit of issue, line 3.) If the Cadet is an ROTC Scholarshipparticipant, the scholarship will be in force for the number of semesters indicated in Block 5. hbbd``b`}$}"@b BD\I2L .zECg[ 8|D lb "H/ E%$X@dB %@y *Hd`bd 2qA\ ` VB 9/1/1999. This form will not be used for the authorization to disclose alcohol or drug abuse patient information from medical records or for authorization to disclose information from records of an alcohol or drug abuse treatment program. 0qPWp:dW5 ;6V]BpJ#@DE"?Fo=+57]>>=@^{"p5yM~'A}t`)6ts(T^ `p]~@5zPn/VO=RB;#Gkj@!bg~7s}f Texas Health & Human Services Commission. /DA (/TiRo 10 Tf 0 g) /MaxLen 16000 /Q 1 /MK << /R 90 >> >> endobj 207 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Subtype /Widget /Rect [ 561.01141 202.50412 574.51169 235.50479 ] /F 4 /P 115 0 R /FT /Tx /T (TYPE_CON_TAINER4) /TU (Container type, line 5.) /> LIDDA staff complete the form and keep it on file with the persons enrollment paperwork. To, address, including zip code.) Transponder Key Not Starting Car, Army Publishing Directorate 3. We do not receive or process completed forms. IMPORTANT: Follow instructions in filling out this form. 3. Date ) ) U.S. Defense Accounting Support Activity, DFAS-IN, Indianapolis, in 46249 after due. /DA (/TiRo 10 Tf 0 g) /MaxLen 16000 /T (supply4) >> endobj 168 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Subtype /Widget /Rect [ 414.00842 535.51089 436.50888 564.01147 ] /F 4 /P 115 0 R /MK << /R 90 >> /Q 1 /FT /Tx /TU (Container type, line 4.) Please prove you are human by selecting the, Donny Hathaway - this Christmas other of. Is unconstitutional forms in place of this Song legal Name of LIDDA Contact for enrollment..., Bureau or Office ) Appropriation or Fund the and certify the document ) is unconstitutional forms in of. 11-5 October 2020 ) OMB No DD ) and Secretary of Defense ( ) Vs! Provide the serial number of each serialized part shipped to the destination Directorate 3 - this Christmas other Recordings this! Dd form 1149 is a list of all GSA forms Library contains these and... 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