When you can get it, Bald eagles egg breaks in nest, Minnesota photo shows. Click here for additional information onregistering to votefrom the Missouri Secretary of State. } She double majored in communications and history/political science at the University of Jamestown, N.D. We see that you have javascript disabled. However, regular early voting ballots are not sent out or voted until 35 days before the election. Chapman received 24% of the vote. Shall there be a 10 cent increase in tax levy on $100 of assessed valuation for general municipal purposes? Should a vacancy occur on the City Council, then the Mayor, or the person acting as the Mayor, shall appoint, with the consent of a majority of the Council, a person to fill said vacancy until the next general election for city officers. Earliest day to begin circulating petitions for independent candidates - Friday, April 8, 2022. 346 Main Street Plattsmouth, NE 68048 855-658-5736 2023 . 1 weather alerts 1 closings/delays. disabledEvent(e); It was too early to call the result of the question on whether the state's constitution will be amended to give a right to state workers to unionize. Last day to circulate and file petitions for independent candidates 4:00 p.m., Tuesday, September 6, 2022. Registration is frozen from April 4, 2023 until May 15, 2023 for the 2023 Municipal Primary Election and registration reopens for the 2023 . Constitutional Amendment passed by the Nebraska Legislature for the 2022 General Election. Initiative Measures Public Hearing location. The winner of that race will take over for Commissioner Rick Steen, who announced he would not seek reelection this year after first being elected in 2014. 20 & 21, Once you complete the application please email it to. Cass County Election Results She grew up on a ranch 10 miles southeast of Belfield, N.D., where her family raises Hereford cattle. Beardstown PCT. Mendoza won a partial term beginning in December 2016 before gaining election in 2018. Example video title will go here for this video, How Detroit turned population loss into real estate perk for remaining residents. . Click here for Cass County Polling Locations, What Ward do I live in? } else if (window.event){ Bailey is a southern Illinois farmer and state senator who claimed that Pritzker would interrupt a second term as governor to run for president in 2024. What Amendment 3 does and doesnt change, Missouri legalizes recreational weed. November 29, 2022. January 4, 2023 - First day to request VBM Application . 10, Sangamon Valley PCT. window.onload = function() { e.metaKey : e.ctrlKey)) { Shall Platte County R-III School District issue its general obligation bonds in the amount of $73 million for the purpose of acquiring, constructing, repairing, rebuilding, improving, extending, remodeling, renovating, furnishing and equipping new and existing school facilities? Federal race (Result reflects Cass County voting only) State of Nebraska Election Results. Amendment 1, known as the Illinois Right to Collective Bargaining Measure. Lincoln County R-3 School District proposes expansion plan to keep up with increased enrollment. The East Central District has nine seats. Hours Monday - Friday 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Election Day Polling Hours. e.stopPropagation(); Cass County Illinois Official Website . 378,275. Board of Supervisors/District 2: (I) R - Mark O'Brien 726. Where do I vote? Both advance to the State Spelling Bee in Bismarck in March. The Cincinnati native has worked as an editor for newspapers in Florida, Ohio and Kentucky and as a former adjunct instructor of journalism at Western Kentucky University in Bowling Green, Kentucky. General Election. Residents, workers express crime concerns after man is killed in broad daylight in downtown St. Louis, Fort Zumwalt middle school closed Wednesday as crews tackle nearby building fire. April Baumgarten joined The Forum in February 2019 as an investigative reporter. if (e.stopPropagation){ Republican Kirby L. Ballard is unopposed. This encompasses all city, county, and special district elections appearing on the ballot within . 8 Weather. Cass County Clerk/ Election Authority 102 E. Wall St. Harrisonville, MO 64701 Phone: 816-380-8102 Fax: 816-380-8101 Email. Election Results Aug 2020. The increase affects recording fees in all 102 counties throughout the State of Illinois and will take effect July 1, 2023". [CDATA[// >
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